Jun 09, 2008 07:18
It's been nearly a month since I updated this thing.
I'm in Pine Bluff right now, I have been for almost 3 weeks now. It was weird at first and didn't feel real at first, but now that I've been working and getting around, it feels nice. It's strange, I said that I was going to live minimalistically and only pack what I needed. So what I said I needed was my bed, my clothes, my books, my computer and my books. All of that took up the whole van. But I guess a mattress does take up a good bit of room.
Pine Bluff is 30 minutes outside of Little Rock. It's a decent little town, kinda structured strangely. There's not TOO much to do here, just the basics (Wal-Mart, Fast Food, Chili's, GameStop, etc.), so if you want to get out, you drive to Little Rock. Little Rock is pretty nice too, I haven't had a chance to explore there, but it's not bad here. Pine Bluff supposedly has a really high crime rate, but I live on the really good end of town a block from the Hospital. So if something does happen...
Work is interesting. That's all I can say about it. I have my own cubicle, my name tag, I go to a 9-5 job and they stuff all the interns into what they call "The Vault". Pretty Dilbert-esque, actually.
Things are going great with Maggie (I never said her name last time). I went into Benton this weekend for Cyrus' wedding. It was pretty surreal and strange to me. This is what everyone says when a friend gets married, but it's rather true. I felt really old and was kinda freaking out, but not badly. I just kept thinking to myself "Could I ever do this??", I felt the immediacy of it. I'm not really a big fan of divorce, if only for time efficiency's sake, so I'd like to get it right the first time, but hearing the wedding and the permanency of it, it's pretty intense. But I think that's just me reacting to seeing that my group of friends from home is changing whether I like it or not. We are growing up, getting married and getting lives. Next on the list is Michael, and that's crazy to me. I wonder what it'll be like after that. Lindsey is a nice girl, I just don't know her that well. I should probably work on that, considering Michael's one of my best friends, it'd be nice to know the girl he's going to live with forever.
But yeah, this weekend was a complete blur. More on it later, I have to go to work now.