wcg is posting a series called "50 years of astronomy", a subject on which he knows more than somewhat.
His latest post in the series involves the Hubble Constant, written by astronomers as H0, pronounced "H-nought".
I immediately thought "There's a filk in there somewhere" (this, I proclaim, is axiomatically true for all values of "there"). Specifically, something beginning "H-nought, the Hubble Constant...", ttto "The Rattlin' Bog", which I know somebody has filked wrt the (something) state, winding up with a pun(chline) on Feynman. I ought to remember more, but I can't. I thought it was by Dr. Seti, but no. So I tried to search.
Just posted to their help page, much good may it do me:
I am searching for "Feynman" and "filk". Not film. Not folk. filk, eff eye ell kay. Used to be, when you assumed you knew what I wanted, you'd at least give me a chance to correct you: "Looking for Feynman filk"? [link]. Now you give me 8 pages of crap to sift through, with no "Did you mean...?". DON'T PRESUME I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT!!!!
-- thnidu
And even when I use Advanced Search there are a load of false positives, such as this one, in
Introduction to Noncommutative Field Theory:
3.2 Planar Feynman-Filk diagrams
Due to momentum conservation, the interaction vertex is only invariant up to cyclic permutations of the momenta ka, and because of this, one needs to carefully keep track of the cyclic order in which lines emanate from vertices in a given Feynman diagram. But there is an analogous situation in which we have some experience-large N expansion (’t Hooft) of U(N) gauge theory. Indeed, noncommutative field theories can be formally regarded as matrix models, in the sense that the fields are operators on a separable Hilbert space. Later on we will derive this fact in a less formal way. We thus ”fatten” lines in graphs and consider ribbon graphs that can be drawn on a Riemann surface of particular genus (”stringy”)- these are called noncommutative Feynman diagrams or Filk diagrams.
(Presumably this and other false hits refer to T. Filk, author of "Divergences in a field theory on quantum space", Phys. Lett. B376 (1996), 53-58 [cited
Anyhow, there's still a filk in there somewhere.
β: This shouldn't have the "lj fuckup" tag, b/c it's a Google fuckup. But stet. 111222.0220 (est, +5=gmt)