Yet Another Thing I Can't Afford (the money/time/attention... for) -- b/c there are so many kinds of thing that can fill in the blank. -- Nov. 7 2010, changing tag from yagcica to yatica.
*(accented on the first syllable, which rhymes with "cat". If you read IPA, /ˈjætɪkə/ )
I'm starting a new tag with this one. No, as far as I know yagcica doesn't
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Comments 6
The newspaper articles led to a shake-up in the city clerk's office. Previous articles have led to disbanding of the city's assessment system for incompetence and dishonesty, a Pulitzer Prize for a series of articles on police corruption, etc. This, of course, makes very clear why we can get all the news from the internet, and those pesky, expensive local news desks are no longer needed.
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