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Is he just plain stupid? Mar 18, 2020 6:02pm Eastern Daylight Time by DavyZJones, Community
“I’ve always known this is a real - this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”
Donald Trump on the Coronavirus pandemic - March 17, 2020
Donald Trump stood before the American people, the media, and everyone else in the world to deny that for months he had ignored early warnings about the coronavirus pandemic.
He added to that lie by saying that he’d always known that Covid-19 is a pandemic and then said that he “felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”
Now, those lies might not have been so bad if they hadn’t delayed the federal government’s efforts to prevent the spread of the virus for months.
So, why would Donald Trump purposefully deny, minimize, and mock the coronavirus pandemic for months on end when he had to have known that he was risking the health of millions and the lives of thousands?
Was Trump willing to throw away human lives to con the American people into believing his lies?
If so, to what end?
Wouldn’t the American people ultimately learn the truth about the breadth and depth of the pandemic?
Of course, they would.
So, if Trump couldn’t or wouldn’t see that intractable fact, was it because he’s just plain stupid?
Now, I don’t mean to call Trump stupid as a taunt or condemnation. I mean it as an expression that might explain why Trump would deny having made several anti-pandemic public statements that he knows we know are on videotape for everyone to see.
If Trump is just plain stupid, how could we tell for sure?
Well, let’s consider the following typical characteristics of a stupid person.
If Donald Trump is stupid, he would:
- Be unable or unwilling to admit that he is ever wrong. He would claim to be a ‘victim’ and would play the blame game every time he mucks things up. He would be unwilling to comprehend the idea that every time he makes a mistake, he has an opportunity to learn how not to repeat it.
- Have to be right even when he is wrong. Trump would be unable or unwilling to be open-minded about how to process new information and new techniques so he could not only avoid repeating past errors but could improve his capabilities for the future.
- Not care about the desires, needs, and feelings of anyone else. While it is normal for an intelligent person to behave selfishly occasionally, a stupid person would feel compelled to continually trample on the opinions of others as his way of eliminating any form of criticism or opposition.
- React to disagreements and disapproval with anger and aggression because he lacks the intelligence required to evaluate and consider opposing points of view.
- Try to convince himself and everyone that he is ‘better than everyone else.’ He would attempt to hide his insecurities, failings, and limitations by criticizing, name-calling, and threatening anyone who might dare to disagree or happen to be more attractive, better liked, or smarter.
If Trump is as stupid as he appears to be, could anyone expect him to do the job he was elected to do?
And, if that’s the case, why on earth would anyone vote to reelect this guy?
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DavyZJones March 18 · 06:02:01 PM
recommend 12
Fox viewers. I realize that it’s mean to say, but there’s a lot of truth there.
liberalnation March 18 · 06:09:09 PM
recommend 3
No, it’s not mean. There a whole lot of Trump-Gumpers out there.
ksmoore777 March 18 · 07:23:30 PM
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Those aren't the traits of someone stupid, they're the traits of of a sociopathic narcissist. This topic has been covered in great detail here. Halbrown has many diaries just as an example.
Not picking a fight. I appreciate the diary!
mookieb March 18 · 06:22:59 PM
recommend 8
The two things are not mutually exclusive.
LeftCoastTimm March 18 · 08:52:01 PM
recommend 7
Agreed. I should have stated I think the dude is an imbecile. I just think the sociopathy "Trump's" the lack of intellect.
mookieb March 18 · 11:03:18 PM
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Over and over we demonstrate our ability to recognize what has been obvious from the start. This person was not qualified to hold the job. The reasons are myriad. Each time I see somebody identify his failings I see Fox News and guys like Lindsey Graham or Mitch McChinless who make it happen. Not one of these guys has a spine or anything even resembling integrity. We should make a pledge that every time we badmouth the gaslighter in chief, we give five bucks to the people running against guys like Graham or McTurtle without whom, the turdmaggot doesn’t exist.
Listner2 March 19 · 01:05:10 PM
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He's an effective branding agent, very convincing. That's a kind of genius that works on a kind of prepped gullibility.
dunnjen March 18 · 07:02:39 PM
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Is this a trick question? But I don’t think he is “just plain stupid.” I agree he is stupid, incredibly stupid, the greatest when it comes to stupid, bigly stupid. But that alone is not enough: he is also evil - he delights in others suffering; he is also lazy - he is not willing to spend the time and energy to become not stupid, mainly because he believes he is a genius and smarter than every other person; he is petty - he never forgets an insult or a slight, even if imagined; he is corrupt and venal - he can always be bought or flattered to do what someone else wants, as long as it doesn’t appear to harm him and even better if he profits, not just financially from the desired action or inaction; and he is insecure - he can never solicit, much less accept, advise or help from an expert or someone qualified, after all, he is a stable genius who just has a natural ability to understand and solve everything.
howardappel2 March 18 · 07:05:16 PM
recommend 9
There are various types of stupidity and various types of intelligence. I believe Trump combines some of both. He obviously can manipulate people. He has convinced many that he’s the right person for the job. A totally stupid person couldn’t do that. But he is stupid in a number of ways that have been here by others.
willipr March 19 · 10:51:50 AM
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I think he’s a special kind of stupid. That should make him feel better.
Pirran March 18 · 07:19:30 PM
recommend 5
A sooper-dooper stupid?
ksmoore777 March 18 · 07:25:02 PM
recommend 3
Profoundly stupid.
wilderness voice March 18 · 11:05:32 PM
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Stupid-Savant? Yellow Rainman?
sidewinder62 March 20 · 04:04:38 PM
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Some people are saying maybe the stupidest person ever. I don’t know. A lot of people are saying that.
Damon Griffin March 19 · 12:48:15 AM
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I hear it all the time, you know a gentleman came up to me the other day and asked “Sir, how can you be so smart, we are not worthy of your blinding brilliance. Please save us!”
sidewinder62 March 20 · 04:06:36 PM
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LOL I know that guy, I 🤔 think ?
butr March 21 · 01:23:51 PM
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Drumpf checks every box in descriptions of malignant narcissists. This being said, he's also stupid, but not just plain stupid. He's astoundingly stupid. Unbelievably stupid. Shockingly stupid. Born on third base and stole second stupid. Nothing plain about his stupid.
TParrish March 18 · 07:22:29 PM
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Ithinkoutloud March 18 · 07:47:26 PM
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Keep in mind that a huge portion of this country wants to be stupid and ignorant and hates anyone who isn’t stupid.
You literally cannot get elected in this country if you don’t claim to believe shit that clearly is false.
jello5929 March 18 · 08:12:15 PM
recommend 3
“Is he just plain stupid?” No, but he thinks we are.
When you think about it, everything he does is predicated on him being, or having, the ‘biggest brain’. It follows, then, that everyone else is an idiot until proven otherwise. That includes his own supporters no less than Democrats. (More than once, he’s been caught speaking disparagingly about them.) Unfortunately (for us) Trump’s criteria for ‘proof’ involves some mixture of misogyny and a lack of scruples. “He will be known by the company he keeps.”
citixen March 18 · 08:55:01 PM
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So if he always felt that it was a pandemic, why in the hell didn’t he do something about it - or at least get a headstart on the containment process. He admits that he “felt” that it was a pandemic and yet did absolutely nothing about it. This is a public admission that he knew and yet didn’t act. This man gives new meaning to the words inept, incompetent, in-over-his-head idiot.
zepolal March 18 · 08:57:37 PM
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Short answer? Yes.
drybones March 18 · 09:32:03 PM
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He is an extra special variety of stupid. Mean, hateful and bullying kind of stupid with a wide streak of brazen liar rolled in with the stupid.
jfromga March 18 · 11:33:52 PM
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To paraphrase George Carlin, he is so stupid he doesn’t know he is stupid. That is a special kind of stupid. The stupidest stupid if you will.
bird girl March 19 · 12:46:21 AM
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Among the things going on with Herr Dumpster Fire is his unfortunate & chronic combination of malignant narcissism & rank stupidity, coupled now with increasing dementia.
Ebionim March 19 · 01:30:07 AM
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Most people do stupid things realise it learn from it and some even apologise but their are many examples where this doesn’t happen. The vast majority are not stupid just a result of under education, closed off upbringing and the unwillingness to learn new things. They get by with “Seat of the Pants” and sometimes commonsense thinking. I’ve seen Farmers who manage a range of crops and livestock which entails veterinary, biological, mechanical, maintenance and land management skills which would put them up with the most highly skilled professions yet haven’t gone to high school. But Trump thinks he has those “Seat of the Pants” skills even though he has failed at nearly every business venture only to be bailed out by Dad, greed investors and Russian Oligarchs. His Ego allows him to ignore reality. His Immaturity and sociopathic tendencies make it impossible for him to recognise he has made a mistake or that it could be his fault and if anything has gone wrong it could never be his fault. His ability to slip from one bad debt to another is his life skill and the carnage he leaves behind is a testament to our inability to make white collar criminals accountable. Only this skill keeps him from being totally stupid.
ae911 March 19 · 08:40:24 AM
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Well, yes, he is stupid. A former college professor described him as “the stupidest student I ever had.”
But his is also a narcissistic sociopath. Let’s see: a stupid criminal in charge of the entire country, a country that effects the rests of the world. And now a murderer.
SlidingHome March 19 · 06:42:33 PM
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Well there’s the intellectual deficits that come with certain genetic and environmental conditions. He’s not that, or doesn’t seem to be. Then there’s an average intelligence that, combined with a sense of entitlement leads to a lack of curiosity or mental flabbiness. He doesn't have the high IQ he claims but he’s always had the money to hire others to do heavy mental lifting for him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he got thru college by buying term papers. On the other hand, he does have a sort of honed predatory cunning, able to spot a “mark” or seize an opportunity for his own gain. And he’s smart enough to make shit up to cover his own screwups, even if his lies are poorly conceived and implausible. So he’s smart enough to be a bad huckster who doesn’t fool intelligent and disciplined people (like bankers). But who can fool racists and the disaffected.
keybeater March 19 · 09:24:56 PM
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The author’s bullet points are the definitive diagnostic features of a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, a serious mental health disorder. He is a malignant narcissist. Period. And as such, he is doing exactly what one should expect of him. We’ve been warned, including by many psychiatrists, psychologists, mental health social workers, and other mental health professionals. What will it take for people to “get it”? Sadly, the denial of science extends to the social sciences as well as physical sciences. There is a cancer in our country that must be rooted out, one enshrined in ignorance and prejudice. Frankly, we should start by getting rid of FOX. Challenge its lies. Slam it with the truth. Never let up until it shrivels up and dies.
Carolla March 20 · 12:53:07 AM
recommend 0…
Yup, that’s what he is…
Ole Charlie March 20 · 12:33:02 PM
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In answer to your last question, take a gander from time to time (using VPN in “private” setting) at or Breitbart. The daily coronavirus press conference at least is one place where there is no filter.
SanFranDem March 20 · 12:50:38 PM
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Why did Trump put Pense in charge of the coronavirus?
1) ”I always knew this was a pandemic”... Yep, under the bus… Haha!
2) Pense is a Virus!
3) Takes 1 to know 1
4) All the above
IBFreeSomeFutureDay March 20 · 01:14:35 PM
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“If Trump is as stupid as he appears to be, could anyone expect him to do the job he was elected to do?
And, if that’s the case, why on earth would anyone vote to reelect this guy.” Because a majority of Americans are stupid and thus elect stupid people, preferable if they think they are “smarter” than them. Hell, look at Sen. Ron Johnson(R-WI).
That’s why knowing what we (and the stupid and corrupt news media) knew about Trump’s “history” as a con man, blowhard, womanizer and business failure, we as a country elected this know-nothing idiot. Simple facts.
“The wise man points at the moon, but the fool sees only his finger.” Not sure who said it.
UKPrince46 March 20 · 02:40:29 PM
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Jan 3, 2016 - Originally Answered: Why is the saying "When the sage points at the moon, the fool looks at the finger" claimed to be a Chinese proverb, when it actually isn't? It is Chinese. It's recorded in Chan Buddhist scripture Platform Sutra .
jacksonscountry March 21 · 10:57:30 AM
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Most liars stop lying once they ask themselves how likely it is that they’ll be found out.
But Trump really is so stupid that that question has never crossed his mind.
tallen387 March 20 · 03:10:42 PM
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It’s called sociopathy; not giving a damn about anyone, unless you can use them like a tool to your own advantage, or maybe get a kick out of seeing therm suffer. That’s very different from intellectual deficiency. You can be “retarded” and really, really nice. You can be highly intelligent and be a #^(%!*$ asshole. Dunno how smart Trump might be. It’s clear he is lazy. It unclear what he might be able to learn if his ego would let him. He has some talent to stoking his cult. He has always had enough money to shield him from the consequences of his own folly. Some people conflate hyper-shamelessness with competence and courage, but it’s actually personality gone off the rails, and the seductive influence of having pots of money gives it faux legitimacy. Like Jim Jones or the leader of the cult that took cyanide to be one with the spaceship Hale Bopp (you can’t make stuff like this up) this is not the asshole you are looking for.
method init March 20 · 07:52:30 PM
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Trump’s a lot more than just stupid. A person who is merely stupid wouldn’t have all of those pathologies listed.
jim304 March 20 · 08:40:40 PM
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No, he’s not just plain stupid. That is, he is stupid, but that doesn’t begin to climb the depths of his depravity. The man is evil, and he is killing Americans by the thousands if not the millions. He has to be removed from power, if not from office. This is a national emergency.
redstatelefty March 21 · 09:18:39 AM
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Yeap, yeap.
Corvaz March 21 · 10:36:03 AM
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