Sorry, wrong numbers

May 19, 2017 15:50

ysabetwordsmith wrote

Salamanders and Algae
... have a weird symbiotic relationship.
I read it. FAScinating! o॓ó

But I've just been trying to send the author a note on number (grammatical, that is) fitting within Twitter's 140-byte limit -
Algae=plural, alga=singular. But bacteria=plural, bacterium=singular
- and mark up his article. But of course I can't send a marked-up text of any size at all through Twitter, so I'm putting it here and giving him the link.,

Markup: ++ and green mean "right", -- and red mean "wrong", and the symbols bracket a single instance, or sometimes a combination. Oh, and the next-to-last paragraph has a wrong number combined with a correct one. I would have used yellow (= red + green in colors of light) but it's too pale to read, so I took purple, as in "purple states".

In a scientific first, researchers have discovered a bizarre inter-species relationship in which ++salamanders and algae++ cozy up together to share cells.


As a collaborative research team from the American Museum of Natural History and Gettysburg College revealed, the green ++alga Oophila amblystomatis makes++ its++ home inside of cells located across the body of the spotted salamander Ambystoma maculatum. ... The normally photosynthetic green ++algae, on the other hand are++ completely stressed out, forced rely on an alternative means of energy production.

Examples include single-celled dinoflagellates that accumulate on coral and giant clams and use photosynthesis to provide sustenance to their hosts, and gut --bacteria that helps-- bugs break down plant compounds.

Back in the late 19th century, biologists learned that green --algae grows-- in the egg cases of spotted salamanders, providing a win-win situation for both; the embryos produce nitrogen-rich waste for the algae, and in turn, the --algae increases-- the oxygen content found in the fluid around the breathing embryos through photosynthesis.

But the green --algae is-- not limited to the egg cases-it’s also located inside cells of a mature salamander’s body. As previous research has shown, the ++algae enter++ the eggs, proliferate, and then later invades the tissues and cells of the developing embryos.

A spotted salamander embryo’s tail with endosymbiotic algae. The ++algae are++ visualized by chlorophyll fluorescence, seen here as bright white regions of the image. (Image: AMNH/J. Burns)

... Using a technique called RNA-Seq, the researchers sequenced the RNA (a single-stranded copy of DNA that helps cells make proteins) of both organisms, and then used those sequences to learn how the ++algae and salamanders++ changed their patterns of gene expression while interacting.

... Burns told Gizmodo. “In fact, there are tantalizing hints that the salamander is actually responding in a way that dampens its immune response to ++this alga++...”
... But the same cannot be said for the green --algae, which appears-- to be struggling in its-- foreign host.

“For its part, the ++alga undergoes++ drastic changes,” said Burns. “Unlike the alga in the coral-alga symbiosis, the ++alga in this interaction is++ stressed, and rather than producing oxygen and sugar through photosynthesis, it is++ fermenting. This suggests that the ++alga is++ in a relatively low oxygen environment.”

A spotted salamander embryo with large numbers of algal cells inside its tissues. The ++algae are++ visualized by chlorophyll fluorescence, seen here as yellow-orange bright regions of the image. (Image: Ryan Kerney)

And indeed, the intracellular --alga do-- appear relatively starved for sulfur.
... Why ++do the algae++ go to all the trouble of setting up camp in the tissues of salamanders only to get stressed out? ...

It’s also possible that the green --++algae -despite having to use fermentation to produce energy- is-- benefitting the salamander cells by producing nutrients, albeit fewer than they++ would normally produce under high oxygen conditions. ...

Regardless of the reason, this discovery is changing our thinking about photo-symbioses. More examples like this may exist in nature. Looking ahead, the researchers would like to explore how the --algae takes-- root in the salamander.
Unsurprisingly, the expert he quotes (J. Burns) uses both forms correctly, and I haven't generally included those quotes. But Dvorsky has trouble with these Latin terms, as many do, and is inconsistent about them. This entry was originally posted at You can comment here, or there using OpenID or your Dreamwidth ID.
comments there so far.

kvetch, news, whom, science, biology

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