Boost: Poetry Fishbowl

Apr 26, 2017 01:31

ysabetwordsmith  will be holding a Poetry Fishbowl on May 2. Read about it here.

This time the theme will be "history written by the losers." I'll be soliciting ideas for historians, other chroniclers, invaders, the oppressed, the misunderstood, ordinary people, outcasts, refugees, fish out of water, abuse survivors, the women that men don't see, QUILTBAG folks, people of color, people with detested superpowers, "evil" races, untouchables, burakumin, former or current criminals, foster children, others on the fringes of society, fighting a holding action, retreating, losing everything, looking in the window, taking people for granted, expecting the unexpected, surviving oppression, hiding, upstanding, speaking truth to power, facing your demons, punching up, protesting, storytelling, battlefields, reservations, cities, slums, classrooms, hideouts, alleys, subways and sewers, liminal zones, government buildings, libraries, oral tradition history, poorskills, unpaid labor, self-sacrifice, emotional labor, disruptions, linchpins and ripplepoints, time travel, the Underground Railroad, unusual vulnerabilities, history books written by the losers, painted hides, minority languages, subversive literacy, subversive education, humility, humiliation, appreciation, social evolution, and poetic forms in particular. This entry was originally posted at You can comment here, or there using OpenID or your Dreamwidth ID.
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