Readercon and stray dogs (signal boost)

Aug 05, 2012 00:20

catsittingstill has written an excellent comment on the Readercon flap and what lies behind it. And just in case you don't think it's worth bothering to go there and read it even though you care about the Readercon incident (assuming you do), I've pasted Cat's summary & punchline just below the link.
Readercon and stray dogs

So, let's review. Respecting a dog so you won't get hurt.
  • Don't approach if it is moving away from you.
  • Don't corner it.
  • Don't surprise it.
  • Don't reach toward it if it is shying away.
  • Don't continue to pet it if it tries to stop you.
The offending guy at ReaderCon? Not only didn't manage to give his victim the respect you give another human being; he didn't even manage to give her the respect you give a stray dog.

And this is why some people are angry. Because this kind of lack of very basic respect is pretty common--and asking for the same respect a stray dog gets really isn't asking for very much.

[click headline for Cat's post]
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