Abstract joys of bliss and malevolence

Jun 26, 2005 02:19

I shouldn't write. I've written too much tonight and I'm well into my second bottle of wine.

The other day I wrote this. And I don't regret a word of it. In fact, words diminish it. Sometimes you can find pure bliss where you are.

While I wrote that, I was in the midst of what I call a "cabin in Montana" moment. Sometimes, I have the desire to abandon civilization. Just say fuck it, pack up only the things I need (rosepurr is among these things), and live on love and some books at the foot of some mountain, standing purple and mighty against the blue sky above some serene log cabin. Sometimes I feel like my career is meant to be a means to an end to that dream. As I was thinking about it, I was listening to John Denver (despite his kind of nerdy reputation, the world would be a better place if more people listened to John Denver). Of course, listening to John Denver contributes to that thought.

I'm going to rant for a second. What the hell is the goal of this culture? Pulling down 100 G's and pretending to be swank? Shouldn't we aspire to more? Is the ultimate goal in your life to appear on American Idol? Or is it hitting the lottery?

What do you really want out of life?

I think about such things. I do. I can't help it, and wouldn't want to.

Where are we going? As a people? As a nation?

I find stupid things incredibly satisfying. Loving my woman. Cooking a healthy meal. Reading a book that makes me think about things bigger than my stupid little life and its petty problems.

Despite that last thought, let me just say something. I'm sitting here, listening to Toby Keith's "Red, White and Blue (The Angry American)." Having read some interviews with him, I appreciate that he captured the anger we all felt at September 11. We had a legitimate grievance with Al-Qaeda, among others, and the world would have supported us. The Bush administration has destroyed that. We had legitimate anger, and he squandered that for his personal agenda. Somebody should pee on his head while his daughters (and many world leaders) watch. We probably had the greatest opportunity in human history to unite the world and it was pissed away.

If there's any justice, Bush and Cheney will burn in hell.

Fuckers. I want my country back.

If I thought I was electable, I'd run for President. I think I'd do a good job. I'm a good, thoughtful guy. I don't fuck around. I don't lie. I'm old enough now. I'm trained as a lawyer, for what that's worth.

If anyone of sufficient means reads this, I'd run with enough support.


thinking, love, bush

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