I haven't discussed this much with anyone except
rosepurr, but I am a huge supporter of the health care legislation. Let me qualify that:
Is it perfect? No.
Is it exactly what I want? No.
Is it fair to everyone? Probably not.
It's simple. Health care in this country has needed a drastic overhaul for most of the twentieth century. We stay at shitty jobs - hell, even seek them out - because they have health insurance, and that probably won't cover everything in the event of a major medical problem. We have become slaves to insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, HMO's - in short, people who shouldn't be making medical decisions for us.
I believe that any attempt to fix it is better than what we have. I could be wrong about that. Maybe it could make it worse, but I doubt it. Maybe this is just a band-aid on a sucking chest wound.
But it's a start. An important, historic start.
A lot of the news coverage I've seen is pretty slight on details. The New York Times web site has
a good summary here. Be sure to click along the left for the various points.