
Jul 06, 2006 13:30

I'm a little stressball. Yesterday afternoon after work, I picked up the keys to my new apartment here in town. I am leaving the old one because it's overpriced for the crap it is. While I'm glad to be getting out of there and will enjoy the new place once it's settled, I have been forced to take on a full-scale move less than a month before my wedding. And Saturday I leave for St. Louis for 5 days for the annual AALL conference. I admit to looking forward to the conference because for those days I can't do wedding or moving stuff. In other words, I'm stuck there with only the conference to focus on.

I feel more overwhelmed than I probably even should. I think everything's coming together and yet I still have the feeling of being behind.

Friday, I drove to L'ville. I arrived and learned we were not heading to Lexington until the following morning. So we got up early Saturday to pick up rosepurr's dress. Then we had a nice casual lunch with our officiator. We wandered around Barnes & Noble (I had a book-buying accident!) before we headed to Richmond for rosepurr's dress fitting.

Then it was to the farm in Lancaster, where I was included in the annual fireworks preparation. (Okay, I stood by the wagon and watched instead of watching from a distance.) It rained, but only while we were actually shooting them off. We slept there Saturday night and rolled back to L'ville to go to Churchill Downs Sunday with a couple of rosepurr's co-workers. Following that, we went and saw Superman Returns (fantastic!) and then had a light dinner picnic in the park. Good times.

Good times and too much damned driving.

Monday we went wedding band shopping. We got one. It's very nice. I don't wear jewelry so I've had a hard time, but this has a nice design without being ostentatious, and it looks like a wedding band.

Monday night, we went to to TGIFridays to play trivia, eat fattening foods and drink. We don't usually go to chain restaurants. I'm always surprised when I go to Friday's; I tend to like that place and their food.

Tuesday we packed up a bunch of rosepurr's stuff and put it in storage. (Why God chose to make it pour when we got to the unit is a question for theologians.) We have rented a storage unit in L'ville; I've been bringing stuff everytime I roll down. We have also been putting engagement, shower, and wedding gifts in it. We have agreed not to use any of that stuff until we live together. I look forward to that. It will be a whole new chapter of my life, and it will start like Christmas morning.

I drove back up yesterday morning. I got to work about noon and spent much of the day catching up on email and getting ready for this conference. Then I went and got the keys to the new place. Today is more of the same, along with this (so far) uneventful reference shift.

I've changed the name and layout of my LJ, partly out of boredom. I do want to write in LJ more; I've been really bad about it. Maybe the change will spur me on.

move, work, conference, weekend

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