Oct 06, 2009 20:50
Saturday was a great day! had HR BBQ (: finally met up with all of them. photos are on shermain`s blog and facebook. (: Sunday`s CIC class was powerful (:
1 week 2 days has gone! (:
learnt something interesting when I observed how th company works. there are only 8 ppl in th co. small office with all femalessssss. i think all bosses(GM) are th sameeeeee. Looks friendly, but talk in such an indirect tone that kinda scares you off. Less pressure when she is out for appointments for th whole day~ (: She can see what i`m doing and everyone can see everyone. everyone can hear what everyone says on th phone. imageine how smallll th co. is. hahaha. th asst. manager is super nice (:
I dine in everyday, brought food from home t eat for lunch. so proud of myself (: imagine 1 day $4 for lunch. 5 days $20. 1 mth $80! I can save that for transport, more worth it. calculative, yes i am but for th better i think (:
Colleagues feed me with different kinds of food each day. haha. they gossip on all kinds of things, like how smelly th toilet is, which level not that smelly blahhh. they talked about tv shows what`s nice what`s not. haha. alot more things mannnnn. my tasks are piling and has doubled each day I think. But I still managed t clear everything before I go home (: but it`s better when you have something t do, time pass faster rather than just waiting for nothing.
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