102 Gossip Girl Icons (Rufus/Vanessa, Blair, Blair/Chuck, Blair/Dan, Blair/Nate, Dan/Blair/Chuck, Season three totally fails)
001 - 020 Rufus/Vanessa for
They're like the only still shipable pairing on Gossip Girl. See the inappropriate chemistry? They get on the eyesex as soon as Dan is offscreen. And now both of them have been MIA for several weeks? A skiing trip with Lincoln Hawk? For sure Rufus, for sure. The best thing about them is probably that Vanessa would totally run back to Vermont if they'd ever get busted. See? This ship is pure awesome. Therefore you should all join
vufuslovers .
021 - 044 Blair
021 022 023 024
025 026 027 028
029 030 031 032
033 034 035 036
037 038 039 040
041 042 043 044
045 - 060 Chuck/Blair
045 046 047 048
049 050 051 052
053 054 055 056
057 058 059 060
061 - 079 Dan/Blair (including spoilerish set pics)
061 062 063 064
065 066 067 068
069 070 071 072
073 074 075 076
077 078 079
080 - 088 Nate/Blair + OT3
080 081 082
083 084 085 086
087 088
089 - 101 Season 3 really sucks (this was quite therapeutic. But not enough.)
089 090 091 092
093 094 095 096
097 098 099 100
- You'll find a list of textures, brushes, masks and other resources here.
- Credit if used on lj is superb, credit if used anywhere else is nice but not necessary.
- Hotlinking is not that cool.
I shamelessly stole the line on #091 from
waldasskicksass , while the one on #098 was originally a tweet by the
headbandproject . (<- two journals you should check out)
I just got into "working" with Photoshop so much of that stuff is quite... experimental. You've my apologies.