When busy people slow down

Dec 13, 2010 13:57

Generally our weekends are fairly hectic.  Saunooke and Fox certainly had a busy Saturday felling and cutting up dead/not healthy trees in the back yard.  Fox then had a bon fire that I'm certain could be seen fromt he space shuttle.  (Ah, the joys of living in the county).  But other than that, we did very little.

For one, I went to the Y Saturday morning and had my butt handed to me.  After yoga, I decided to stay for "cardio sculpt".  The sculpt part was challenging but good.  The cardio part was based on that "Insanity" fitness program you may have seen in infomercials.  The insane part was that I didn't leave.  Seriously.  Way to high impact, way too intense.  Staying was stupidity.  And yet, I did.

By the time I got home I was toast.  I showered, decided to do the grocery shopping in case we had bad weather Sunday, and after that I sat on the sofa wondering why I wasn't doing anything.  Seriously, I was completely wiped out.

Sunday we watched the UFC 124 that we'd recorded the night before.  It was lovely.  Just the 6 of us, snuggled on the sofas.  After that we did go to the Y for a quick workout and soak in the sauna/hot tub.  It helped.

As for me, I accomplished nothing this weekend beyond grocery shopping, laundry, and a minimal amount of food prep for the week.  I don't remember the last time I did so little.  It was great!
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