Feb 25, 2005 17:00
Ya know whats funny as hell. When you don't expect something and it happens, but when you expect something, there is no way in hell it will happen. For example, I expected myself to be given the world because of football. We all know how well that turned out. I expected Kortnee and myself to be with one another for a long time ... once again, we all know how well that turned out. Things I expected to recieve, but staying true to its form, did not happen.
Perfect example of the opposite situation, I never expected myself to fall for any other girl or trust any other girl after my high school career. But thankfully I have and I do. Its almost frightening to see how that works out. Don't expect something, you recieve it. Expect something and you get nothing. Life sure does have a very interesting way of weaving our paths. At one moment we are on top of the world, and when it gets to our heads, it all comes crashing down in one huge blaze of fire. Whether we're expecting to be in love with one person for our entire lives, or expecting to be given the easy life. It will never ever happen. You have to work your ass off to make life the way you want it to be. Take the risks and deal with everything thrown at you. Whether its the falling out of the closest friends or the bond between two lovers.
With each and every passing moment there is a lesson to be learned. Depending on how important the situation is to us will determine how well the lesson is imprinted to our minds. Any and everything can teach us something. Listening to the banter of a woman ingulfed in the life of a family friend to the point where she tries to bash a boy half her age, or experiancing the sheer joy of finding love again. Its all worth while if you let it be. Granted listening to the nosey adult who knows nothing about you is simply pointless, there is a lesson to be learned.
Heh, welps, enough of this pointless chit chat. I'm outtie.