(no subject)

Sep 05, 2008 11:27

With a little help from the wards, he got to his feet and lurched unsteadily into the main street. Somehow the fear of sibling reprisal instilled enough strength in his legs to propel him into a tram car, and then out again when it reached Kip Street. From there it was merely a hop, skip and a stumble to land face-down in front of the domicile complex that he reluctantly called home.

"Jack-bro, you are the livin' end," said an angelic voice that grabbed him by the collar and pulled him inside.

"You wound me, Kari-sis," Jack replied. "Also today I caught fire and hit the ground, possibly in that order, so please stop scraping me along the floor."


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"I am wondering," he said slowly, making a show of shuffling the papers on his desk to draw out the pause, "why you felt the need to lie about your age."

"Lie?" Tomboy's expression of shock and outrage would have been convincing to anyone else.

"There are dozens of little signs, little tell-tale hints that - individually - are just suspicions, but together weave a strong fabric of truth. Most people would spot one, two, maybe even three. I like to spot them all."

"Yes, but..."

"For example, here on your resumé, each letter I is dotted with a tiny heart."



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