Jan 14, 2009 20:42
It's a new year, and i've got some resolutions i'm determined to accomplish this year.
So far i'm off to a good start, so i figured i'd solidify them in writing. :)
Ok. There's a couple area's i'd like to improve myself.
Physically - I'm running every other day (at this point, 3 miles, but i'll be adding as i go) and the days i dont run, i work out.
Mentally - I'm reading more. a lot more. and i'm doing those brain exercises that you do daily. they're supposed to work, so why not? hah. I also found an application that plays binaural waves which are used to help concentration and a bunch of other stuff, so im gonna explore that.
Discipline - So far i've been up at the time i've said i would. In college, this gets extremely difficult, especially since my first class has no mandatory attendance policy. But i've been up, not only for the class but also to go and get breakfast before hand. Breakfast last semester was pretty much non existent, so i this would qualify as a physical one as well, cuz im sure its healthier. And also, i've been getting to bed at a decent hour.
Monetarily/career - I've come to the conclusion/realization/epiphany/whatever that my weekends would be more beneficial if i dont worry so much about going home, and rather try to get some paid acting jobs. Commercials, extras in movies, basically whatever i can get at this point. idk what it was that was holding me back from doing this before, but im not gonna let it hold me back at this point.
i've also got some silly ones, like learn some cool magic tricks. magic has always interested me, and i even have a few books on it. i just never seemed to have the patience to sit down and learn a trick. so thats gonna change this year.
but yeah... basically im taking care of myself. I think it needs to be done. I'm tired of feeling like im just inching by. it's time for a change.
Dear God,
Help me stay the course. I've tried stuff like this before, but this time it's different. I need to stay on track this time. I may be running out of time and chances. Thank you.
As always
your loving servant,