I think, not hundred percent sure tho, that I´ve become lactose intolerant. Never had any problems before I used to drink milk like a calf. But today and yesterday I ate like a cottage cheese/curd(whatever they´re called in english) products and I ate ice-cream and my stomach randomly started to like ache and so on. Maybe I am imagining things,
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Lactose tolerance is associated with a specific mutation in a regulatory gene (basically, the switch to produce lactase, an enzyme that degrades lactose, is constantly on); most people lack this mutation and are rendered lactose intolerant. However, these non-mutants (myself included) have been shown to be lactose tolerant. This field is not yet well understood for definitive conclusions to be drawn, however, one can speculate. I think you (a non-mutant) can become lactose intolerant (lactase non-persistent) if you reduce your lactose in-take―the body sees no point in making lactase in the absence of lactose. It may help if you slowly start consuming lactose again, i.e. eating small amount each day and increasing the intake over time, if the side-effects aren't extreme. If they are, then curiousb's advice seems to be the most insightful.
Here's a great site for a quick background on this topic: http://www.vivo.colostate.edu/hbooks/pathphys/digestion/smallgut/lactose_intol.html
P.S: I, too, had something similar happen to me. I used to consume lactose with no problems until my diet changed because of school; to say the least, my stomach would excessively growl prior to lengthy bouts of upset stomach (once I started consuming lactose again). I'm almost back to being lactose tolerant due to consuming more of it regularly but not 100% I'd also like to add that I lack the mutation to constantly produce lactase :/ (genetically, I'm lactose intolerant...but I LOVE milk products!)
I hope that helps!
Btw, thanks for all the Sims 2 downloads! :D
I've been creeping around LJ lately after finding you, along with other Simmers, in this hidden corner of the LJ universe.
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