Jan 31, 2007 21:33
So today I was supposed to meet up with my scoutmaster for my Scoutmaster's Confrence so that I can become a the eagle scout. Not the final step, but the step before that. That would have been just fine and dandy...if he didn't call 40 minutes before asking to reschedule. Being the kind of person I am, I readily rescheduled to friday. Oh well, shit happens, no? Still, it was a good day. Nothing bad really happened. Well, outside of my horrid tendency to have money burn a hole in my pocket. I'm horrible like that. If it's in the pocket, I can't help but spend it. If it's in any form of a bank, I find it hard to spend. Can't I turn my pocket into a safe or something? oh well. I might be getting my lisence (finally, I'm such a slacker D:) tomorrow or friday, which should be cool enough. Now I'm getting tired. Laters