Mar 14, 2006 19:42
Go to the music player of your choice and put it on shuffle. Say the following questions aloud and press play. Use the song titles as your answers. NO CHEATING.
How does the world see me?
# Song: Sairin: Henyoku no tenshi advent:one winged angel
# Artist: Nobuo uematsu
# Comments: Yea, this needs explaining. From the final fantasy 7 advent children OST. It was the theme when the vilan eventually changed into an old villan reincarnated. That kinda opera-like song. So the world sees me as some kind of final evil? Thanks a lot, world -_-;
Will I have a happy life?
# Song: End of the Line
# Artist: Offspring
# Comments: great. end of the line to me means stopping, so i kinda take that as a no. I love my luck.
What do my friends really think of me?
# Song: Don't stop beleiving
# Artist: journey
# Comments: Hmm...either they have hope in me even if i fail sometimes, which is good i guess, or that they want me to keep hoping, which is good too, i guess. at least my friends don't want me dead :>
Do people secretly lust after me?
# Song: To Youth
# Artist: Floggin' Molly
# Comments: hmm...This one is interesting. the song always struck me as a kind of lost-love song, like, hey, you used to be hot, and i will always remember that. Maybe people used to but then they forgot about me? iunno
How can I make myself happy?
# Song: Wonderwall
# Artist: Oasis
# Comments: Guess this means i need support to be happy, which has proven kinda true. I am always my happiest when people are talking to me, and they seem like they want to talk to me, instead of the "yea, uh huh. right. yea." sort of deal i get sometimes
What should I do with my life?
# Song: Killer Queen
# Artist: queen
# Comments: kill a queen? become a queen? that makes no sense. i am not a woman, not a murderer.
Why should life be full of so much pain?
# Song: Martian Girl
# Artist: The Aquabats
# Comments: Not enough martian girls around....or girls in general....i like ladies :D
How can I maximize my pleasure during sex?
# Song: Need to be strong
# Artist: Toshiro Masuda
# Comments: LOL!!! So i need to be strong about it? well, at least i have a good few years before i can even start trying xD -i did this one as a gag anyway, so i expected something funny-
Will I ever have children?
# Song: Anywhere but here
# Artist: Rise against
# Comments: getting away from people = children? of course! those kids will drive me nuts xD
Will I die happy?
# Song: captin hampton and the midget pirates
# Artist: the aquabats
# Comments: I am going to die a pirate while fighting midgets on the high seas. FUN!
What is some good advice for me?
# Song: Love, Love, Love
# Artist: the queers
# Comments: I don't know why i have this song on my ipod, but it IS good advice. Love people! or maybe get love. I like the second one, but the first brings the second, so i might as well tack it on :> HOORJAY!
What is happiness?
# Song: Sara ni tatakaumonotachi [ff7 AC version]
# Artist: Nobuo uematsu
# Comments: Action song. Beat the shit out of people? or watch action movies? sounds like a plan
What is my favorite fetish?
# Song: Learn to Fly
# Artist: Foo Fighters
# Comments: Hmm...I can't get this one. Flying makes no sense. :O
How will I be remembered?
# Song: Tenrai Divinity I
# Artist: Nobuo Uematsu
# Comments: jesus... this is kinda a climactic song, but it also makes me think of the opening, so maybe a...climactic genesis? that dosen't make much sense...
So all in all, i just need more music. SEND ME MORE SO THIS MAKES SENSE! imma do this again after i get more music
Damn, i hate lj for not showing < unless i do <<>, it is annoying cause that is my go-to smile