(no subject)

Feb 07, 2006 21:04

I got a nickel from Brittany, I so rock XD Brittany has a nickel jar, and if you do something stupid, you give her a nickel. If you do something good, you get a nickel. We were playing knockout in gym today, and Cat won about every single game, but at the sixth one, I started having amazing luck. I wasn't even trying, but I managed to make my shot first and beat Cat. That made me feel good, because I suck at basketball. So yeah, Brittany gave me a nickel, and I taped it to my notebook, which looks more like a scrapbook now, because it has random pictures taped to it, including Jowy, Loveless, an article about Suikoden V, and a scene from Tales of Legendia.

I have too much time on my hands.

Julie, Wakka, and I were suppose to go to the guidance counselor, but they didn't call us today. So we go tomorrow. Damn.

Buddha attacked me at lunch o_O I was putting my AP books away, minding my own business, when the boy just comes out of no where and tackles me from behind! I ran into my desk and knocked half the books out, and everyone in the room went "Don't attack Bre!" etc etc. Why'dya have to go and tackle me? Sheesh.

Some people got into a fight right at our table at lunch. T'was very scary. The guy kind of threw the girl at our table, right next to Brittany; she had to move her books to get out of the way. And not one of the teachers came and helped. That is the first time I have ever heard the cafeteria get THAT silent. It wasn't until Sidney-something-or-other said "Hey, we need help over here!" Did anyone react. But it really freaked me out; I was extremely jittery all throughout AP. I dun like conflict -sulk-

Speaking of conflict, Buddha, what the heck is going on with you and Julie and Tiff? I haven't talked to you in a while, unless you count scolding you for glomping me from behind.

I... need to buy Rach-chan's birthday present. WHAT DO YOU WANT, WOMAN?!

Its sad that gym is becoming my favorite class >>;; I hated gym last year.

After Key Club today, my dad took Julie home, and I went on some strange cartoon rant XD It started off because I wanted to watch Teen Titans (which was on at that moment), and then I went on to Code Lyoko and Avatar, and I was just rambling the day away. It was kind of funny. But me and Julie discovered we both adored YuGiOh some time ago (ok, so I still do), and I told her I would lend her my manga. And she loves Bakura, too! I told her we should both start collecting the cards and start dueling during school, and get strange stares because people at my school suck.

I'm so tired. And its only Tuesday. Ugh.

When I get stressed I tend to ramble and rant a lot. ... sorry T_T
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