(no subject)

Jan 25, 2006 19:34

My laptop decided it didn’t like the internet and sent it away for the past few days.


One of Ms Ellis’s rats died. Bandit, the very active and friendly one. She use to like to crawl up my arm and burrow in my hair, and thus was the reason I had billions of scratches over my neck. But I loved her anyway. So yesterday (she died during lunch) wasn’t too happy.

I have all my exams tomorrow. The only one I am truly worried about is AP, ‘cause I still have to go through with it next semester. Math might be troublesome, but I’ll be so glad to get it over with. Other than the fact Buddha is in my class, I really do hate that class. English is another one I hate. Period. So I’ll be glad to get that over with. Science… I’ll miss science. After that, only Wakka will share a class with me. But I’ll be so happy to get back to journalism and French ^_^

I’ve poisoned Julie’s mind D: Now she’s obsessed with yaoi and gay boys. Not that I mind. But now I have to write a story with gay boys and dedicate it to her. Oy. I mean, yay?

Rach-chan, I got your invite! I might not be able to make it, but I’ll send someone to stand in for me =D

Julie is such an idiot xD We were drawing all over our binders in science, and I told her she should write “Angel and Collins” on her notebook, but first she was going to write Maureen and Joanne, but she ended up writing Mimi and Joanne. That of course cracked me up, and I said, “Sheesh, Julie, now you’re making Mimi a lesbian!” And Wakka and Julie are fighting over Mark. Let me take back my first sentence and say all my friends are idiot.

I got my zebra back! And I got an A on him! Yayness!

I somehow managed to bring my stereo remote with me to school o_O It was the funniest thing, I was taking my first&second block things out of my bookbag when the remote came out. I still don't know how it got in there...

Hee, Kiba's birthday present finally came. I hate ordering from the internet >>;;

Hum. Not much else to say.
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