Feb 23, 2006 21:31
I was up really early today..We had planned to meat at Bymuseet kl 8, I was there by 8:20.. really tiered..
We whased the last things and put them in order. We have got a lot more than we thought: clothing - lookes like it has ben nit. Something we think is silk. So that was a surprice.
We are not yet sure what the problem in the assignment should be about. Stine can't really see how we can work toghether with Jonas - I think it could be fun, maybe something about social status - city vs. country. I like that. She dosn't think that there are differences - well then that will have to be our conclusion then.. I would also really really like to write about "garbage archaeology"/modern archaeology and why that is just as important as pre-historic archaeology! Christine I think is right now into alle the glas that we have or the clothing. I also think the clothing is fun!!! But there is not much, so there is not enough for one person to write 25 pages about.
Then Stine came with a great idear. Writing abour personal belongings (clothing, pips, shoes and so on) and about "service" - pottery, china and so on) and then we need the last part.
I still think we need to read a lot more about the period and the place before we make up our minds. Stine would like if we knew our problem by monday. She is a bit fast I think. But well, we'll see, i love our project. And the people at the museum are so nice.
Actually we didn't get to do much, cause there was some small meetings we were asked to attend. Especially one where my dear mother-in-law told that she and her husband is quiting ther job at the museum.. (I knew that, but I was told not to tell anyone). Everyone was sad, but at the sametime they thought it sounded great what they have planned to do. Bi and Louis will buy a farm on Falster and make a fashionable course place. The theme will be around food - and culture. "fra jord til bord" -like. See a farm and afterwards go home and cook a wonderfull dinner with those ingridiences. Maybe there will also be something about middelages food and renessance food - I think so!
Well, that was the day on the museum.. At 5 I went to spinning - hard and good as always.. Home to dinner and Thomas plus a friend of ours, who would like me to tell him about weight watcheres and their program. So I did..
I only need to loose 3 kg more , then I weigh what I would like to... But now when I look in the mirror I think "oh, a few kg more.." But I know my goal is alright - otherwise I will look like a ghost and I don't want that ;)
Right now I'm printing some pictures for my parents.