So... The project wasn't doing very well untill this afternoon! The last 2 weeks I have just been sitting there thinking " I need to do something on this project" ,and then nothing happend - tried to read a bit, hoped it would give some idears what to write - they never came!! then last week I talked to Lene from The Bymuseum (she is the "historical archaeologist" in there - originaly she is prehistorian, but she has fallen in love with historical archaeology - like me!!). So she gave me some texts (about 6 I think) that I need to read and then I need to get a more tight problem - the old was to vauge. So I read a lot - very interesting stuff! and I enden up with a totaly different problem!! Now I will write about "when to dig - save what can be saved ?" About the problem archaeology is going through right now - we dig everything, but how much new do we learn? Shall we dig everything or pick the onces that can teach us something new??? This is an really exicting project!! So next week I will have to speak to Lene again and then I hopefully can move on to writing!! I feel kind of stresset because Henriette keeps saying " remember hoe short time you have" and " havn't you written anything yet? well, get to it then!". But I hope I can make it... This was my first obsession!!!
To the next....
Hmm hope the picture is there.. It said that some sort of problem occured....
Hope nothing has happend - It just accured to me that it is my fathers computer and it has not got any firewall I think..... (it has never been used on the internet before)
Well, my obsession is this dress!! or dresses like this.. Once when I'm getting married I will have a dress like this. I'm not going to have a huge wedding or anything, but I would like to have a nice dress anyway!!
Isn't it beautifull????
Well have to go.. Must find a firewall for this computer...