Sep 07, 2004 08:20
i'm sleeeeeeeepy
i'm eating day-old movie theater popcorn and trail mix for breakfast. nutricious, right?
well, wes and megan got murried on sunday. it was awesomely fun even though i had two huge jackass moments. megan looked all purty and shit. she walked down the aisle to let go, by frou frou- the song at the end of garden state. if you ahven't seen that movie, see it. if you havne't heard that song, download it. it's such a pretty song. at the reception, it was funny... there were like no dudes dancing. it was a bunch of girls, and all the dudes were sitting at tables looking like they wanted to be somewhere else. i shit you not when i say old men and megan's brother nate were the only dudes dancing. boys are pussies. and half of them tried to cop out of the garter throwing by saying "i'm taken." but like, single doens't mean you don't have a girlfriend for this purpose. for this purpose it just means you aren't married. it's not like you're expected to marry the girl who caught the bouquet. it just means you'll be the next to get married. the garter landed on the floor and they all just stared at it and like, acted like it had the clap, which by the way, it didn't.
i hate it when people don't call you back, and like, avoid you. for serious, am i supposed to believe that someone is that busy? 'cause i don't. someone needs to grow a set of balls. why is it that my brother/megan and christina are the only people that answer the phone when i call? i need to find new friends. aside from the three afformentioned people, people aren't very nice to me. and goddamnit, i'm a nice person. i'm cool. right? right.
i had a dream about feeding my cat bologna and eating raisins while killing a monstrous spider. and my cousin telling my mom that she has great tits. ewwwwwwwwww.