I hope this all properly captures the wonderment and friendship I'm going for. Just imagine a seven foot tall six year old in a dive suit making these. How she managed to keep from stabbing the paper or tearing it is anyone's guess.
- Jack, Eleanor, and Cindy. Taped to the fridge.
-Rinzler and Cindy, to be delivered in person, dang it.
-Pino and Cindy, to be delivered in person, if she can find Pino.
-Mordin and Cindy, to be delivered in person, or left on the chair in his clinic. Sorry about all the smashed windows. The door was all locked and stuff.
-Masterchief and Cindy, to be delivered in person or put on the nearest big daddy analog (Any Spartan she stumbles across.) and ordered to be delivered. (Spartans work like that, right?)
-Davesprite and Cindy! She found a packet of stickers as she started on this one. To be delivered in person...which is gonna be hard because he has a body now and looks different.
-This one is for Convoy who was a helpful voice. Unfortunately she knows neither his name nor what he looks like. It will probably get shoved on the first new person who is friendly.