This blog article popped out at me:
7 Keys to Reading Faster. In the past few years, my reading rate has declined. I mostly blame the Internet as the breeding ground for my spaztic habits that have developed over the past few years; namely, when I sit down to read a book, I feel like I should be multi-tasking, but toggling througn browser tabs or typing up a list won't help me plough through Sense & Sensibility. I find myself staring off into space when I read, unable to concentrate on the text in front of me for more than three or four minutes at a stretch. I often have to come back and re-read passages once or twice, because I've lost focus and have forgotten what I was reading a minute ago. It's terrible. My seventh grade self did not have this problem.
I was hoping this article would give my some insight on how to beat this bad habit, but nay. However, I did learn that I SUBVOCALIZE... meaning, I usually read each word aloud in my head. Once again, this is a new habit. My reading skills are degressing here, people. It's awful. It took me several months to plough through The Mortal Instruments trilogy, whereas if I read at the rate I did in high school, I would've gobbled those three novels up in two weeks!
So, besides bemoaning my crappy reading and barely making a dent in Mount To-Be-Read, I've also started a new job this week. I am hoping it is the job. It's very corporate; the company employs about 64,000 people worldwide, and if you look at an organization chart, my role is maybe on the ninth level down? But the fun part is that it's at a candy company! A really big candy company! The company that makes Twix, Snickers, Milky Way, Skittles, Starburst, and M&Ms. (And it's not Hershey.)
I'm surrounded by candy all day, which I can already tell won't be fun for my waistline. The factory is attached to our ginormous office, so the scent of chocolate wafts through the building. My actual role isn't the most glamorous: it deals with customer care, logistics, and making sure retailers have the orders that they were promised. However, it's full-time and entry-level and with a really amazing company, and it looks like I will learn a lot. The past three days in training, I find it's really awesome to sit in an orientation room and have all business concepts flying about in an applicable manner. My inner-Hermione screams, Yes! I know this stuff! This is what I went to school for, woohoo!
I am optimistic. Tommorow is my fourth day, and I still have so much to learn... which is exciting.
Another exciting thing in my life is the new man I've been dating. And by new, I mean that I haven't dated him before, which, if you know the story of my love life for the past few years, is a huge plus. I've been delaying writing about it, because 1) putting a situation into words, whether on paper or online, makes the event so much more REAL and concrete, and at the beginning, I prefer fluffy dreams to slabs of sheet rock and 2) I didn't want to jinx it. He's really sweet and awesome and adorable, but I will continue to hold off until another post of its own.
Finally, how amazing is Train's new single, Soul Sister? I was hooked by the first line: Your lipstick stains on the front lobe of my left side brains... I <3 Train. I just heard TODAY that they were in the City YESTERDAY, at the China Club. Ughhh...why don't I know these things in advance?