title syntax, a story in 101 lines
moveablehistoryrating pg
notes written in bastardized HTML and PHP pseudosyntax; an experiment for all the geeks in the crowd.
Syntax, A Story in 101 Lines
METADATA syntax moveablehistory pg sam/dean slash supernatural
The simple truth of the matter was the when Dean called Sam a geek, he meant it as a term of affection, kind of like when jerk or bitch or $name_calling or $descriptive_noun were ever exchanged in conversation.
The $time_spent_apart seemed
# if { $time_spent_apart= 2
# set angst = 0 }
# if ( $time_spent_apart= 4
# $set angst = 1 }
so much longer than anticipated and Sam wasn't sure how he managed to survive { y/n? } that long
# if { $how_much_sam_missed_dean > 100%
# set denial = 1 }
# if { $sam_loved_jess > 100%
# set denial = 0 }
# set !$guilt != $angst
and when they were back, $guilt$angst.
# if { $sam_loves_dean < 100%
# set value = false }
$something was fixed, didn't seem like it could ever be but $something was definitely different { where $different > !$different }
# if { $inprobable_justification = 1
# set {
if $physical_relationship = true
set $angst$guilt$denial = 1
set $eventual_satisfaction = true
if $physical_relationshop = false
set return
# }
The logical conclusion is that the pattern and set values of their lives changed on compliation, different $OS and different information protocols meant that the standard operating procedure
# set { where $denial = 1 }
had to be recomplied, new procedures in place to alter the established framework.
# if { $denial = 0
# set guilt = true
if $honest != $okay
set return
if $honest = $okay
set $satisfaction
# }
They found they were okay with it, all right with each other because !$same = $better at least more often than not. Probably as close to completely happy as they were ever going to get, even though { $sense = 0 } .
#if { $happy = 90%
# set good }
# if { $happy > 90%
# set better }
# if { $dean_loves_sam > 100%
# set value = true
# set reverse value = true }