Just so you know: it's crack. Very crack. Barely makes sense to me. :)
title: saint and the dragon
moveablehistoryrating: 14a
pairings: gen, can be read otherwise.
notes: For
technosage, because I promised. Part of a large set of crack!fic - this is 500~ long so I figure it can stand on its own just fine.
summary: He's on horseback, but the horse is shaped like
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Very Dean. Practical. I like.
He's on horseback, but the horse is shaped like the impala and his legs are spread impossibly wide.
So much love, especially for the image of Dean with his legs spread impossibly wide. And "crunching on virgins" is such a perfect phrase.
He has a lance, and he knows he's got to be fucking high on something because the weapon is made of salt, crystal and pure and he has half an inclination to lick it - taste if it's real.
Hehehe. I love this. Also, the idea of Dean as a "red shirt" while possibly not what you intended makes me a little fearful for Dean, since red shirts always die. But he's learned, no red shirts, so he won't. Yay.
I'm not sure why Dean doesn't want to kill the dragon, but the dragon's logic is inescapable and Dean's matter-of-factness really pervades this piece. I like that. Despite the weirdness, he's still Dean the good soldier, doing what has to be done.
The last virgin is cowering in a corner, Dean dismounts and walks to him bowleggedly, hauls him up and helps him into the last hut left.
I wonder how many people picked up that the virgin is a 'he'. I like this, as it plays with our expectations and fits in nicely with our meta about the gaze.
you saved your brother. does it hurt?
This is interesting. I like it. I'm not sure why it should hurt to save his brother, but the question raises provocative issues in their relationship for me. What's your intention here, out of curiosity?
"If you ever try to save me again, I'll kill you." Sam's voice is cracking in the middle, and he pokes Dean's shoulder as if emphasizing the point.
"Better you than anybody else." Dean mutters. Sam frowns, but then he helps his brother up, lets Dean lean against him for support, each other's blood all over each other's clothes.
All in all, I really like this fic. I think the abstractness works well, but it's a bit daunting for some readers. I'd like to see where you go with it, because much of the question of whether it works gets resolved over the longer haul. For a long fic, it might be confusing. In this shorter piece, it's very evocative of the experience of delirium.
Nicely done!
And now to address your points ♥: I hadn't considered "red shirt" in the always-the-one-to-die kind of way, but I like that allusion. :)
I wanted to include that legs spread line because it's usually an image of femininity hypersexualized- I wanted to have that feminine image in mind in reference to Dean, underscoring his nurturer/caregiver role in his family. (also, in my fanon, he totally bottoms from the top. or whatever. heh.)
I'm kind of not sure why he didn't want to kill the dragon, either, but my initial guess was that the dragon hadn't done anything to him personally, and it hadn't made a move to hurt him. But it *was* crunching away, so Dean had to stop it. Definitely the good soldier, there. :)
I also wonder how many people picked up on that. It was very intentional on my part, and honestly I was going to have the virgin look Sam-ish but I decided I'd better not. :)
Okay, so, the you saved your brother. does it hurt? part:
She looks at him unseeing; knitting black yarn into socks or scarves and snipping through the loose ends ruthlessly. He steps towards her suddenly, she startles and misses the thread named sam. Her face twists; she stabs him in the chest with a needle
You know. Fate missed. ;)
Thank you. :D I know it's a little weird, but I never worry about making my pieces really accessible. I don't know. Heh.
Thanks! ♥
Yay! Also, you're welcome for the feedback. It's my pleasure. *g* ♥
(also, in my fanon, he totally bottoms from the top. or whatever. heh.)
Yeah, my Dean is TOTALLY a bottom. He only tops when Sam wants him to. Which isn't that infrequently. Also, I like the legs spread and I agree it's ver feminine/sexual.
I'm kind of not sure why he didn't want to kill the dragon, either, but my initial guess was that the dragon hadn't done anything to him personally, and it hadn't made a move to hurt him.
Yeah. 'Cept Dean thinks all paranormal things are evil sonsofbitches. So, maybe he was thinking it might not be what it looked like or whatever. *g*
honestly I was going to have the virgin look Sam-ish but I decided I'd better not. :)
I think, too heavy-handed. A good choice not to.
You know. Fate missed. ;)
D'oh, I was reading the dialogue itself as a unit. *g* Sorry.
I never worry about making my pieces really accessible.
I'm not a fan of dumbing down a story to make it more accessible. But I'm a big believe that writing, and storytelling in particular, is about communicating. I try to make at least the emotion accessible, even if the idea itself is a bit less so. I think you did that very well with the Stanford fic, so I've no doubt you will here, too. Just for clarity, I find it accessible. I was just thinking others who read a lot more fic a lot faster might not.
*hugs* ♥
Yeah, heh, I think that was a character misstep on my part. In my head Dean's dream!self hesitated and I don't really have a good explanation why.
I'm a big believer that writing, and storytelling in particular, is about communicating.
Me too, really truly, I just always forget about taking that into account and I end up just writing whatever I please without thinking if it makes sense or not. Thanks for pointing that out, because I know I have to think about that when writing.
I don't know. It didn't feel wrong. It just didn't seem logical. But dreams have their own logic. So maybe the dragon is Dad or something. *g*
Thanks for pointing that out, because I know I have to think about that when writing.
*hugs* That's why I like to have betas. That way someone will tell me if I've gone off. But I'm so impatient, it tends to make me crazy. *g*
♥ ♥
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