Jan 05, 2010 15:42
BEGIN: January 4, 2010
END: October 1, 2012
1. Maintain a 3.5+ GPA don't know if I can count this until October...
2. Plan and pick and follow a course of study & major by fall of 2011 -->public accounting?
3. Do all course readings
4. Go to office hours 5x per semester (0/5)
5. Participate actively in all classes as necessary
6. Set specific times aside in schedule for study/homework and adhere to them
7. Meet all GLOBE requisites as system allows by end of junior year
8. Become web editor of the Ram when Kelley leaves
9. Have resume prepared by the end of January 2010
10. Apply for at least 3 internships/jobs per month from career planning until you get one (1/3)
11. Find and attend regularly a fulfilling volunteer project
12. Get an internship by (during) sophomore year
13. don't like this one
14. Join Rose Hill Society
15. Open some kind of online shop/business (Does Amazon marketplace textbook selling count?)
16. Stick to your monthly budget (0/33)
17. Get & keep a part-time job or internship consistently
18. Save a minimum of $50 per month starting Feb 2010 for ‘untouchable’ account ($0)
1. Once there is $300 , start a new Savings Account for this
19. Buy a piggy bank & save all change; roll at semester end and deposit to bank
20. Save $5 for every goal achieved for big self-present at end ($5)
21. Save $10 to untouchable account for every goal failed
22. Set yearly savings goals and meet them (2010: $50/$1000)
23. Set up a yearly gift fund of $5/week from July-November
24. Keep track of all transactions
25. Sell all old textbooks
26. Stick to the budget of spending $50 flex/month
27. Read at least 1 non-fiction book per month outside of class requirements (0/33)
28. Read at least 1 book of valuable fiction per month (0/33)
29. Go to 3 concerts of artists I really like
30. See all movies on the IMBD Top 250 (56/250)
31. Buy a volume of Grimm’s Fairytales and read them all (0/--)
32. Buy Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass and read them cover to cover
33. Go to a convention of sorts (cosplay?)
34. Watch WICKED on Broadway
35. Attend a Cirque du Soleil Performance
36. Become literate in Mandarin and expand my vocabulary
37. Learn rudimentary Japanese
38. Take ballroom dancing lessons
39. Re-learn the violin
40. Start learning mandolin
41. Learn how to knit
42. Paint/Draw 1 complete work per month (0/33)
43. Find my drawing style
44. Write a short story a month and file it away (0/33)
45. Bring a camera everywhere (phone doesn’t count) and take 3 people pictures per 5 interesting ones per outing
46. Do 10 planned shoots a year for the heck of it (0/10)
47. Make 7 pieces of custom jewelry (chains, zipper necklaces, etc.) (0/7)
48. Learn how to sew
49. Buy a small sewing machine
50. Make 3 pieces of custom clothing
51. Invest in 5 quality clothes per year; don’t go for quantity!
52. Take a picture of every nice outfit, take a picture, and post it (0/100)
53. Properly launder clothes (cold water) and hang dry when possible
54. Invest in 1 nice lingerie set per year (1/3)
55. Sew all missing buttons on clothes
56. Get shoes repaired and keep them that way
57. Have a conversation with mom or dad at least once a week (0/143)
58. Call 4 friends per month at random, just to talk and catch up
59. Write or send something to 3 friends every month
60. Get to know a different friend better every week, ie. Take a walk!
61. Blog on LRB at least once per week and comment on every entry (1/143)
62. Do something special for G. every month (0/33)
63. Go on 4 outings with international students
64. Attend 3 ACE functions/meetings per year
65. Make a card for every birthday listed in my calendar and get it to the person
66. Get U.S. citizenship, but maintain my Canadian one
67. Make the bed every morning for a month (0/31)
68. Make a recipe book then cook 20 dishes (0/20)
69. Organize the promised midnight picnic on Eddies
70. Get second ear piercings
71. Make and maintain a list of my favorite things so as to know myself better
72. Put myself out there more
73. Get on birth control
74. Take it every day at the same time as instructed
75. Drink 5 cups of water every day for a month (0/31)
76. Get & stay under 110 lbs, with goal of 105lb in mind
77. Exfoliate and moisturize every night for a month (0/31)
78. Epilate once a week (0/143)
79. Whiten and maintain teeth
80. Get a check up at the doctors and return regularly
81. Grow out hair to booty length (or as close to as possible)
82. Make a list of places to explore/things to do in NYC and complete it
83. Go to Times Square early morning to get tickets for a show that same night
84. Go to Disneyworld
85. Go to Japan
86. Explore London & Paris as possible with GBHP
87. Go to The Jolly Tinker
88. Travel Abroad somewhere enhancing for Fall of Junior Year (2012)
89. Go on a roadtrip of the East Coast
90. Ski?
91. Organize my computer
92. Organize my Gmail inbox and keep it labeled and tagged
93. Sort iTunes: album artwork, proper locations, genre
94. Get a filing system to store old coursework (or toss them out)
101 in 1001 days,