May 27, 2005 14:58
PF conference tomorrow and I can't wait! I hope the weather clears up for it - it's so miserable right now. I'm quite surprised at how much I am looking forward to it all - it's a total contrast to the apathy and feelings of doubt I've had over the last few months. I can't wait to catch up with all the people I haven't seen in ages. I feel ready to get involved with the pagan community again (not as an organiser again though - hell no!) and it's a great feeling!
I also find myself getting a bit nervous about the whole thing. I've become surprisingly self-conscious over the last few years and I find it difficult to relax around people I don't know well. I also have a pretty cutting sense of humour and unless you know me, you might think I'm a total bitch. LOL! I make myself sound really great! Maybe I should just have a drink (or two) to loosen up before I go ;o)
I'm back in Whitburn today to see Mum and Dad. Been teaching my Dad to print photos out using the PC - I've had to write a step by step guide. I can see me getting phonecalls at odd times about this now! I've also been sorting out pictures for my scrapbook and I've got a circle journal to decorate along with some birthday cards to make! Eeek!
Best get started then!