(no subject)

Jan 03, 2009 09:41

Got back to Milwaukee yesterday evening. Was tempted to stay in Minnesota another day because I was tired and not especially keen to drive for six hours. But the weather there is supposed to be kind of horrific. It's lovely in Milwaukee right now. I forgot to buy half and half on the way back, so I don't have anything to put in my coffee, which means I have to go food shopping LIKE NOW, but I'm still in my pajamas, so meh. I'm making do with black tea. Which isn't the same, but.

I brought back a shopping bag full of books, and now I'm not sure where to put them, so they've been sitting in my car all night. I keep thinking something will come to me, but nothing has. There is no room in my apartment for anything!

SO don't want to get into the car again, but...need...coffee.

I think I'm going to spend the day lounging around, maybe writing some New Years Resolution stories for Yuletide. I started a few stories on the 24th, with the intention of posting them as stocking stuffers, but my Internet went kaput, so I abandoned them.

I wrote 31 fics in 2008.

By fandom:

Firefly: 1
The Lion in Winter / Plantagenets: 2
Buffyverse: 11
Some Kind of Wonderful: 1
Harry Potter: 3
Doctor Who / Torchwood: 3
Battlestar Galactica: 4
X-Men (Crossover w/BtVS): 1
Supernatural (Crossover w/BtVS): 1
Sandman (Crossover w/Torchwood): 1
1776: 1
Gundam Wing: 1
The Chronicles of Narnia: 1
Enchanted: 1
The Dragonriders of Pern: 1


15 fandoms

Not bad! Considering I'm trying to cut back and branch out simultaneously. *g*

I'm thinking I should create a separate tag for each fandom I've written. I mean, you wouldn't know from looking at my sidebar that I'd ever written anything for Gilmore Girls, and yet I have. Twice. Hmm.
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