(no subject)

Dec 30, 2008 17:49

Big thank you to whichever of you recommended The Lady of the Forest by Jennifer Roberson. (I can't remember who it was!) I wasn't sure at first, because Robin Hood was so angsty (I like ye merrye olde Robin) but things have really picked up. Quarterstaffs! Banter! Robin and Marian alone together! Yes! The only thing is that I worry that Robin and Little John are not going to become best buddies in this, and I want them to because...because... I grew up on Disney's version, and Robin and Little John are best buddies! Oh, well. I like that the Sheriff is more complicated than he's generally presented. Of all the Sheriffs I've seen on-screen, Robert Shaw's was my favorite, I think, so that's whom I imagine playing him.

But now I can't stop singing

The Normans and the Saxons should be friends
Oh, the Normans and the Saxons should be friends

to the tune of that song from Oklahoma! Those are the only lyrics I have, so far. If any of you have ye olde ideas...

I had a nice afternoon, visiting my old office. It was really good seeing people. And nice getting out of the house, since people are starting to...grr. One of my brothers made an assumption that's now going to cost me $75. PEOPLE. When I say call me before you do anything, it's usually for a good reason!

But... People are liking my Yuletide fics! That's exciting. I'm working on a couple of New Years Resolutions, but once the new year begins I really want to cut back on my fanfic writing. I need to get started on this novel thing. I was telling my other brother about it yesterday, and he says it sounds good! Not that Brother Two's taste is impeccable, but.

Ew, it's been snowing all day. It had better stop tomorrow. I want to go out!
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