(no subject)

Nov 08, 2008 12:47

I just bought a baby shower gift for one of my good friends from college: little blue and red booties and hats. *sigh* No, I still don't want any babies of my own. But if dear friends choose to procreate and produce adorable little people for me to spoil, I have to say I'm on board with that.

What a grim, grey day. It's the kind of day that makes me not want to go anywhere because nothing outside looks pretty or inviting. I have some writing to do, and some reading. Netflix sent me "Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day," so there's that.

I see people posting Dear Yuletide Writer letters. I want to post mine because I love making wish lists, but I keep thinking maybe I should go back and change my requests and offers, so I don't know. I didn't offer very much - eight or ten fandoms, I think. I keep thinking I should whittle it down further because I'm worried about being asked to write something scary. But then, what fun is anything if there's no risk involved?

I'm thinking, in addition to New York or DC, I ought to visit Chicago this winter, either in late December or mid-January. I don't know how many of you are in Chicago, but I'd love to meet up.
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