somehow, the robin must learn to scratch for his own worms

Aug 14, 2008 15:05

Hello from Milwaukee!

I'm doing the pirate thing at a Starbucks right now, so I'll be quickish. :) (I'm not actually going to have Internet access in my apartment for about another week, so if you don't hear from me for a while, it's not because I don't love you!)

So, what's new? Well, I moved into my apartment on Monday, not Sunday, as I'd planned. It's not a long story, but I've whined it so many times that I think I'll spare you. The cats were utterly undone, but they're adjusting. They spend most of the day under the bed, but I always wake up with one on either side of me. I almost blew up the apartment my first night. How was I supposed to know you weren't supposed to blow out the pilot light on the stove? I'd set some things on the stove while I unpacked other things and returned to find them burning! So I blew out the flame, which I hadn't noticed before. Then I started smelling gas. Oops. Fortunately, my neighbor saved me with a blow torch. It was really not cool, especially since I hadn't bathed in days and... Yeah.

But nobody blew up!

I like my apartment. It's small, but - it'll do. The only things that don't fit anywhere are my stupid coffee mugs. I don't know why I didn't leave them in Minnesota. Oh, well. Someday I'll have enough room not only for them, but for people, who can come over and drink hot beverages out of them!

jenadamson, I'm working on that H/G story for your fortune cookie challenge. It's coming along, and it might even be done by tomorrow, but I don't know that I'll be able to post it before next week. I hope it'll be worth the wait. Neville's taking over the story.

soundingsea, I'm loving Veronica Mars! I've no idea whodunnit, and I'm about halfway through the season. I think Weevil is my favorite character, though I love Wallace and Veronica and Keith, too. Please don't anybody spoil me!! Oh, and I opened the mustard my first day here. YUM.

Oh, anyway, I came here to look up directions to the nearest Wells Fargo and supermarket. (I've been driving around here since Sunday and I have only seen ONE supermarket - and I don't remember where I saw it!)

Yes, my dish drain! But I love that mug. It says: "Northampton: where the coffee is strong and so are the women."

Site of my near-explosion. *g*

Oh, man. As scary as this whole thing has been so far, can I just say how cool it is to finally be on my own, and how much I needed to get away??
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