Our Floundering Fathers

May 14, 2008 22:54

Our Floundering Fathers

Fandom: 1776
Rating: er - mature
Ship: Tom/Martha (Jefferson)
Summary: So, when kit_maxel requested a Tom/Martha kisslet, I knew she meant Martha Jones and Tom Milligan from Doctor Who. (And here is the kisslet I wrote for her.) But I couldn't stop thinking about the other Tom/Martha. 124 words.

Of course, as soon as he had her in his arms, the words came. "We hold these truths to be self-evident," he muttered while he and Martha fumbled with laces and things. In the June heat and the room's stuffy air, her lips were sweet and cool against his neck. "That all men…"

"What did you say, Tom dear?"

"Oh, nothing." He cupped her breasts to show that he was paying attention to her, and thought, When in the course of human affairs…no, events…

Don't think about it now, he told himself. Later. After. He clasped Martha's dainty waist and they flopped onto the bed.

The words were finally coming and they'd keep coming, even after he stopped…coming.


God damn Adams.


fic: 2008, fic: misc fandoms

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