(no subject)

Jan 04, 2008 16:28

You know how yawning is contagious? Okay, when you're reading a book and a character yawns...do you yawn too? OMG, I just yawned after typing that sentence. Is that weird? Normal?

I want to get up and go to the gym, but I have this cat curled up next to me. Yeah, that's my excuse. And also I think I'm coming down with something.

I've decided to go ahead and finish my application for the University of Western Ontario. Been working on obtaining my financial aid, and yowza, education in Canada costs so much less! Also health care. And isn't the chocolate supposed to be better there? So, yes. I sent in my application fee which, providing the rest of my paperwork made it there in November, is the last requirement.

*crosses fingers*

I hope I get in.

I'm pleased with the Iowa caucus results, even though lately I've been leaning toward Edwards. God, an Edwards/Obama ticket (or an Obama/Edwards ticket) would be smokin' hot.

And the Republicans went with Huckabee, the man's whose response to the Bhutto assassination was, "ZOMG we need to built a wall between us and Mexico!" Uh-huh.

politics: election 2008

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