(no subject)

Oct 21, 2007 10:47

1. Soooo, Gay!Dumbledore has made fandom_wank.

2. And some amusing icons over at userpicks.

3. I'm seeing a lot of complaints that "OMG, it's not explicitly stated in the book! Damn that Rowling bitch!" This from some of the same people who complain that when it comes to romance, Rowling tends to tell instead of show. (An assertion with which I tend to disagree, but that's neither here nor there now.) With Dumbledore, Rowling showed - as much as it made narrative sense to show - but didn't tell until afterward. And I'm not bothered. I don't believe that her motives for outing Dumbledore were at all self-serving or mischievous. I don't believe she withheld the information for as long as she did out of cowardice. As nice as it is to have a character who's not only powerful and well-loved (within his own world, and among many of Rowling's readers) but homosexual...it's just not that important to the story itself.

hp: deathly hallows

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