(no subject)

Sep 03, 2007 19:21

* Last night, I posted Amicable, which is probably as close to Remus/Tonks as I'll ever get. *g* It's set toward the end of Deathly Hallows and I guess it's my response to the people who wonder why Tonks wasn't in a certain scene.

* This weekend, I also wrote and posted For Luck, For Laughs, For the Unknown, a Ted/Andromeda smutlet. (Also spoilery for DH.) All you people who voted for the ship in my poll last month...there ya go.

* The Lives of Others was really good! I'm not sure I'd have chosen it over Pan's Labyrinth, but I do recommend it. It's set in East Germany during 1984 and it's about a Stasi captain who's ordered to spy on this playwright, ostensibly because the playwright interacts with known dissidents, but really because this higher up (I forget his rank) is after the playwrite's beautiful girlfriend. Slowly, Wiesler, the captain, gets caught up in the lives of Georg and Christa.

* I got to the State Fair twice this weekend. On Friday night, I went with a friend to see Garrison Keillor at the grand stand. (I've seen Garrison Keillor four times now, and I'm seeing him again in October. Oy.) The show was kind of long, and there was a bit more religion than usual - I guess because it was the State Fair. But Jearlyn Steele was there, and I really like her. And Patty Griffin was a guest singer. Also, after the show, we were in prime fireworks-viewing position, so that was good. And we had fried vegetables on a stick and fried cheese curds.

I went back today to see the animals and try the non-fried food. Some of it was quite good. I had buttermilk scones with strawberries and cream, and honey frozen yogurt. Mmm.

I got a bear made from alpaca wool. Or fur. Or whatever they have. I think his name is going to be Cheese Curd.
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