(no subject)

Sep 02, 2007 11:16

* There's Halloween stuff in the stores already. Wtf? It's not even autumn yet.

* People are posting to dawn_all_along! That fills me with glee. I need to get to work on my story. I have a loose outline, which should be all I need, as it only has to be 800 words.

* I tried to watch Little Children the other night. After an hour, I didn't really care about what was going on, and I found the narration kind of obnoxious, so I turned it off. Also? Attempting to ugly up Kate Winslet by thickening her eyebrows and messing up her hair is just laughable. Even with bad makeup, she's one of the most beautiful women I can think of.

* Tonight it's The Lives of Others. I've heard really good things about this film, but I'm kind of bummed that it snatched the Best Foreign Film Oscar away from Pan's Labyrinth.

* q_sama, I got The Illustrated History of the First World War! I'm looking forward to leafing through it.

* I wrote Ted/Andromeda porn the other night: For Luck, For Laughs, For the Unknown!
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