thank god we're hot chicks with super powers

Aug 08, 2007 22:27

So, I finished S7 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer last night.

I liked this season better than 6. It was less depressing, despite all the death and destruction. Still, I didn't love it like 2, 3, and 5.

One of the problems I have with S7 - one of the main problems, I should say - is the villain. The First just isn't compelling. It's kind of cool that Buffy's facing Evil itself, but I think that the best villains are the ones you can connect with just a little, either because there's something in them that's empathetic (like Lindsay and Lilah from "Angel") or because (like, say Dolores Umbridge from HP) you know them from real life. (The Master didn't really interest me either, but I liked the way he turned up in Darla's storyline.)

Caleb was a better villain (and I'd forgotten how scary Nathan Fillion can be) but he wasn't around long enough. And wasn't a woman-hating pig the villain (well, a villain) in S6?

Please, someone assure that when Dawn mentions a crossbow accident and Miss Kitty Fantastico in "End of Days," we're not supposed to believe that she killed the cat. That she only frightened it away and the cat had the sense to get out of Sunnydale when everyone else did.

Speaking of, I liked Dawn better in this season than in 6. She was more mature and got to be competent and funny. (Loved it when she kicked Buffy after returning to Sunnydale.)

Kennedy didn't annoy me so much this time. I'm not wild about the actress and I couldn't get into Kennedy/Willow, but whatever. The character has some very good qualities. And she's easy on the eyes.

I kind of like the Slayerettes. The idea, anyway. Yeah, yeah, I was really moved when they all got their powers. No, I was. Though I have some trouble believing no one thought to do that in all the centuries there's been a Slayer, and/or that Willow's the only person EVER to be capable of doing it.

Huh. Buffy seems not to know that the Slayer line doesn't go through her anymore. Though I wonder if there'd be a new Slayer if Faith died, or if Buffy would have to die too. Or what.

Andrew makes me laugh. In a good way. Brother2 doesn't like him, says he's a caricature of a geek. But that's kind of the point, I think.

I keep hearing about Buffy being a real bitch in this season, and yeah, she was kind of testy, but everything she said and did made sense. Well, okay, I have some gripes about Spike...

Faith! I love her. Always, always happy to see Faith. Wish her return had been a bit more dramatic. Wish she'd had more to do.

Same with Robin. I don't remember what I thought of him the first time I watched parts of this season, but I found myself liking him. A guy with some Slayer training, who doesn't want to usurp the Slayers but is, rather, turned on by them. Cool. I wish they'd done more with him. I hope he and Faith have fun together. I was rooting for him when he fought Spike. ("My mother loved me! Yours didn't love you! Neener neener." I'd have felt a bit better if Spike had lost Nikki's coat.)

Angel! It was nice seeing him again, even though it was totally hokey. But if all these other characters are returning, you've got to bring him back.

Oh, Anya. But someone had to be sacrificed, and since Spike was just going to show up again on "Angel," he didn't really count.

Spike. Harrumph. I'm pretty sure I'd like him in smaller doses. He was great fun in S2 and S3. But then, he had Drusilla to play off. They were a good pair.

Xander's the man. Love him. Always.



I'm glad I saw everything, but I think S2 and S3 are the only ones I'll rewatch. (They're the only ones I own, so that's part of it.)

tv: buffy

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