(no subject)

Jul 31, 2007 10:47

* Happy Birthday, JK Rowling!

* I'm thinking of revising Every Little Thing for the third (and final!) time. I can't remember, but this was either my first or second HP fanfic, and I only ever wrote two out of four parts. It would have been cool (IMHO) but then OotP came out and jossed a lot. If I revise it again (and I really think I shall, since there's this one scene I really love.

I've been saying for the past year or so that once I finish that fic, I'll be done with HP fanfic. ('Cause it's been four years since I started it.) Who knows. But I do want one complete story involving the Weasleys, that at least has allusions to DH.

* Nothing to say about the race kerfluffle at the moment. I've been thinking about it, but I haven't come up with anything I can post, except this - I'm really surprised that there are Americans who've been graduated from high school and never heard the word miscegenation.
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