
Jul 30, 2007 11:22

Do you suppose it's safe to start using really spoilery icons? (As opposed to this icon, which, I hope, is pretty vague.)

jenadamson has Rowling's chat transcribed. There's some interesting stuff. Such as ( spoiler )

hp: deathly hallows

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Comments 32

_welsh_witch July 30 2007, 16:51:15 UTC
"one last fanfic"? you are so lucky. the plot bunnies have been running roughshod over my life for a week now & they're multiplying. i so don't have time for this! a sample:

- what happens to snape after he dies (upbeat, b/c i'm an optimist)
- what happens between the war & the epilogue (at least the first few years - nearly 30 pages and counting)
- HP: the next generation (scorpius, al, & rosie meet on the hogwarts express. fluffy friendship ensues)

and, just this morning:
- the whole darned thing from snape's POV

Mind you, I'm supposed to be writing my dissertation.



thistlerose July 30 2007, 17:38:56 UTC
I'm supposed to be applying to graduate schools. *g* But yeah, just one more. This fandom has eaten my life for the past few years. I need to break away, at least in terms of fanfic contribution. I think I've written plenty.


_welsh_witch July 30 2007, 19:41:25 UTC
I wasn't complaining (although I will miss your fanfics). Just expressing envy. Good luck with the applications, and with grad school.


thistlerose July 30 2007, 23:58:19 UTC
I know; no worries. Thanks. Good luck with your essays. :)


muridae_x July 30 2007, 17:40:35 UTC
You're going to have to translate for those of us reading it in the original. My copy only goes as far as page 607. ;-) And no, I don't feel like downloading the carpet book just to find out what happens on that page.

My spoilery page number icon would have to be page 356 and a positive cloudburst of tears.

And I'm so very happy to see that I guessed right about Ginny's post-Hogwarts career. Love her comment about the Chudley Cannons' chances of winning the Cup, too: "... they’d need to replace the entire team and down several cauldrons of Felix Felicitas."


thistlerose July 30 2007, 18:23:48 UTC
Hee. It's The Moment, i.e. the long-anticipated Ron/Hermione kiss.

356... Would that be Ted's death? That made me unhappy. We FINALLY meet him, he's awesomely cool, and then he DIES. Not fair, Jo. Poor Andromeda! And it turns out that Bellatrix killed Tonks. I wonder how that will affect Andromeda's future interaction with Narcissa.


muridae_x July 30 2007, 18:32:03 UTC
Yep, that's the page. I think I'm mostly relieved that he died off camera, because he was so cool that I'd probably have cried buckets otherwise. As it was, I'd had this little knot of fear for him from the moment he showed up, so it was more of an "Oh. Damn. It's happened then" moment.

I am kind of quietly relieved at the confirmation that it was Bellatrix who killed Tonks, because it was set up on the eighth page of the book where Voldemort pretty much gave her orders to carry out her dearest ambition and burn away the canker from the family tree. In terms of abilities, they were probably pretty evenly matched - the Death Eater versus the Auror - but if Remus was killed by Dolohov he's likely to have died first, which would have meant that Tonks probably went into that match handicapped in terms of willpower and motivation.

I'd have liked to have seen one of the good Blacks see her off though, cool as it was to see Molly drop the housewife routine and summon every last ounce of her own formidable abilities as a witch.


thistlerose July 30 2007, 18:37:59 UTC
I'd been hoping, actually, that Bellatrix had killed both Remus and Tonks. I'd grown - in three days! - fond of the idea of Remus maybe taking a Death Curse aimed at Tonks, and then Tonks leaping in to avenge him. I know it's cheesy, but it would have meant a somewhat redemptive death for Remus.

Poor family.

Though I'm pleased that little Teddy is a Metamorphmagus.


mellafe July 30 2007, 19:34:19 UTC
That icon is pretty vague! People keep asking me what happened in that page. They get is from DH, but not what it means. :p


thistlerose July 30 2007, 19:47:41 UTC
I'd forgotten about the different editions of the book - can you believe it? Oh dear, I hope no one thinks I'm crowing over someone's death. I'd hate that.


mellafe July 30 2007, 19:50:28 UTC
Me too on both accounts!


lyras July 30 2007, 20:39:16 UTC
I hope no one thinks I'm crowing over someone's death

I think I'm pretty safe in my assumption of what the icon refers to. *g*

The UK/Australian edition doesn't even have 625 pages (stops at p607), so no worries on that count. Not sure if there was a separate Canadian one, though.


lyras July 30 2007, 20:35:53 UTC
I loved the info we got on Ginny and Dumbledore. Hopefully that'll shut up the baby machine complainers - what could be more kickass than an all-female Quidditch team?

I may need to write one last fanfic, about the Weasleys.

I hope you do :).


thistlerose July 30 2007, 23:57:18 UTC
Oh, nothing will shut up the Ginny-haters. Or the women-haters. *sigh* They'll think of something to rail about.

I need a Weasley-centric plot. Maybe George's brothers stepping in to help him deal with Fred.


hermionesviolin July 31 2007, 00:29:29 UTC
I still haven't read the book (my parents pre-ordered the British edition, and it only arrived this past Thursday), so I would appreciate a continued lack of spoilery icons -- though I plan to read it on my flight this Thursday, so you wouldn't have to wait much longer.


thistlerose July 31 2007, 02:46:08 UTC
For you, I'll restrain myself. Enjoy the book! :)


hermionesviolin July 31 2007, 03:13:41 UTC
I feel so loved :)


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