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mellafe July 26 2007, 16:32:00 UTC
PERCY!! Everybody was like "he's an ass. DIE!" and I was all alone in my corner going "No, he's a Weasley, he'll come around, don't die please". HA! IWIN. Actually, we ALL win. :p

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Did you care that Lupin and Tonks died? I didn't. I know you like Tonks, and I don't, but still. He was such an ass throughout this book that I DIDN'T CARE HE DIED. I never thought I'd say that, but I've been saying it for four days now. WOW.


thistlerose July 26 2007, 16:42:37 UTC
625!!!!!!!! I may need an icon that just says 625. :P

Seriously, for the first four books, Percy was one of my favorite characters. I kept hoping he'd come around and NOT die, and I'm so glad things worked out the way they did. Though I ache for Fred.

Heh. Remus and Tonks. I felt this jolt when Harry saw their bodies. I really wasn't expecting both of them to die. Truthfully, I'm sad for Teddy, who'll grow up without parents or a grandfather. But - and I haven't finished the book yet - I suspect he'll have a doting godfather.

I don't know if you've seen Rowling's recent interview, where she talks about which character got the reprieve and which got the axe in his/her stead. I'm glad she went the way she did, because...gah.


mellafe July 26 2007, 16:50:45 UTC
I may make one! :p

I ache for Fred too. SO BAD. :(

I did read them. I have to say I would've been ok if Arthur was the one who got killed, if that meant Fred were spared. Honestly. I mean, Ronestly.


thistlerose July 26 2007, 16:56:23 UTC
Oh, Fred. I keep thinking about Percy telling his family, telling George. *sob*

Yeah, I'd have traded Arthur to keep Ron safe, and possibly Fred too. But for Remus and Tonks? It's harsh that they both died, but I adore Arthur.


mellafe July 26 2007, 16:58:49 UTC
:( I found a drawing for that, kinda. It's sooo sad. I'll look for the link if you want to see it.

Oh, I don't mean trading him for Remus and/or Tonks. I never liked Tonks, and I'm mad at Remus since OotP. No, I only meant Arthur for Fred. Ron was always out of the question. I would've traded ANYBODY for Ron.


thistlerose July 26 2007, 17:03:59 UTC
Sure, send me the link.

I think I'd have traded almost the whole cast of characters for Ron. For a little while, I was convinced that he was going to die and I couldn't have dealt. But no, all is well. I mean, I still haven't read the end, but I've read parts of Rowling's interview. I figured, even before I read it, that he wasn't going to die. They're too close to the end to kill him, especially when Harry appears to have died.


mellafe July 26 2007, 17:16:03 UTC

Same here! I stumbled upon a spoilery review before reading the book, silly me Iknow, and the article said something like "major characters will die, maybe Hermione and Ron" (the article also said that maybe Dumbledore would die, so haha, I knew it was a fake), but OMG. I went into panic mode. Not Ron. Anybody but Ron. I was sooooo nervous about him being the one. it's the one death I would never get over. EVER. I still feel for Fred, and it still makes me cry, but only because it's sad and I loved him. Ron is another story.

Oh, Harry. When you're done, read the fic I recced in my last post. it's not long and it's funny. :p


thistlerose July 26 2007, 18:16:21 UTC
Ooh, thanks for the link. *sob*

I had this panic attack re: Ron when someone on my flist said she'd been spoiled for the major deaths, then said something like OMG NO NOT RON ITS TOO SOON when she was reading the chapter where they fly from Privet Drive to the Burrow. She figured someone had to die during that flight, she said.

So I was like, NOOOOOOOOO!

I swear, every time the Trio faced any danger, my heart started pounding.


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