(no subject)

Jul 11, 2007 22:24

* dawn_all_along!

* I decided to make the Harry Potter and the Spoiler of Doom Challenge an on-going thing, since it didn't appear in a fandom newsletter until after the deadline. :P

Check it out!

Read crack! Write crack! Believe me, it's all crack. We've got nine ficlets so far.



* I finally got hold of The Office S2. The first part of it, anyway. OMG, I see what you all mean. I am dead from dying so much. DWIGHT HAS A BEET FARM. OF COURSE. *dies some more*


- Oh, Dawn! I really love her in this season. So far. I always liked her a lot, but I wasn't especially interested in her last season. But research!Dawn is adorable. And friend-of-Cassie!Dawn is sweet. And paralyzed!Dawn made me laugh.

- For some reason, I like that Sunnydale High is back. I know it's not the Big Bad in this season, but right now, it kind of feels like it is. And I like counselor!Buffy.

- Because I'm writing about Nikki, and quite liking my plot bunny, I am determined to like Robin Wood.

- Okay, I cried when Willow went to Tara's grave. Oh, Tara. I hate graves, though. I hate the idea of a beloved person being so close physically, but unable to be touched. I'd rather just disappear. Poof!

- Yuck, Gnarl. Or Knarl. Whatever. "Same Time, Same Place" was actually fairly scary. And GROSS. But then, so was what Willow did to Warren.

- Oh, XANDER. He's so awesome. Making the sign with a yellow crayon, his mouth saving the world, having his own crew, driving Dawn and Buffy to school. *quietly ships Buffy/Xander*

- I'm pretty sure the murdered girls are Potential Slayers, and that the writers saw Run, Lola, Run before plotting out "Beneath You."

- About "Beneath You." If something ate my dog, I would be a mess of tears and vengeance. I wouldn't be all calm, rolling my eyes about my stupid ex, asking cute guys out on dates. Even if the guy is Xander. If a teethy worm monster ate my dog or one of my cats, I would try to wrench its jaws apart with my own hands. And probably die.

- I'm just not going to talk about Spike, I think.

tv: buffy

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