(no subject)

Jun 21, 2007 09:54

*Happy Solstice! I'm glad summer's here. Much as I hate the heat, spring is my least favorite season. I know; I'm weird.

Anyway, what a nice day! The sun is shining and there's a light breeze...kinda makes you wanna sign up for dawn_all_along, doesn't it? ;)

There are some great episodes still available for claiming, including "Becoming," "The Zeppo," and "Hush"...

*One month until the final HP book. I have nothing profound to say about that. I'm not hopping up and down in anticipation, not because I think the book is going to be bad (I enjoyed HBP and parts of OotP). My to-be-read shelf is filled with books that appeal to me more right now, that's all. Gotta admit, I'm anticipating some entertaining wank. Oh, Potterdom.

*Half done with S6 of Buffy. The reason the "high school is Hell" metaphor works so well is that it's a metaphor. High school isn't literally Hell. Snyder isn't really Satan. The students don't shovel hot coal all day. If they did, the concept would be cute, but it wouldn't work anywhere near as well. In S6, magic isn't a metaphor for drugs; magic is a drug, and the point is slammed into you so hard it actually hurts.

Will Shetterly has remarked that the concept would have worked better if, instead of drugs, magic had been like fame. If, instead of junkie, Willow had become like one of those Hollywood starlets who get drunk on limelight. I agree. Of course, that's a less dangerous addiction, so dark!Willow might have been harder to produce. But I think they could have managed it. Or gone a different route.

Don't get me started on Buffy/Spike. The progression toward it sort of makes sense, but that doesn't make it easier to watch.

tv: buffy

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