[fic] Hey, Miki!

May 12, 2007 11:58

Hey, Miki!

Fandom: Marmalade Boy
Rating: G
Ships: references to most of the canon ones
Summary: This isn't a fic. It's a song parody that I wrote...I forget when. Five or six years ago, I think. I found it today while looking for something else. It's completely silly, but I like it. Set to the tune of Toni Basil's "Mickey."

For q_sama and marmalade_girl.

SCENE: The Toryo School grounds. Characters (sans MIKI) are in their customary poses. KEI plays the piano. MICHAEL tosses a baseball in the air and catches it. YUU lounges against a tree. MEIKO scribbles in a notebook. MIWA hovers. SUZU poses. JINNY files her claws--I mean nails. ARIMI jogs in place while GINTA volleys with a tennis racket and ROKUTANDA gets ready to jump him.

Enter MIKI in a red and blue cheerleader outfit. Suddenly the guys hop to attention. GINTA forgets to swing his racket and gets hit in the head with the ball. MICHAEL forgets to catch the baseball and also gets hit on the head. KEI flubs a chord. YUU...umm, smiles mysteriously.

MIKI: [innocently] Hi, guys!


Oh Miki you're so fine

You're so fine you blow our minds

Hey Miki! Hey Miki!


MICHAEL: [running up to her]

Hey Miki!
You're always swooning over Yuu

It really isn't fair!

I offer you my heart, but you don't seem to care

Hey, did you know that Kei wears ladies' underwear, Miki?

[KEI hits MICHAEL with his piano]

GINTA: [taking MICHAEL'S place]

At first you told me “yes”

But now you're saying “no”

I know that I screwed up, but that was long ago!

So is it him or me, I really need to know, Miki!

[MIKI just smiles innocently and snuggles KAPPA while ARIMI thwacks GINTA with her running shoes]


Oh Miki, what a pity, you don't understand

You take us by the heart when you take us by the hand


Oh Miki, choose already!

Please make up your mind!

It's girls like you, Miki

Ooh what you do Miki, do Miki

You piss us off, Miki!

KEI: [stepping forward]

Hey Miki!

I've written you a song, I'm calling it “For You”

I'll play it loud and clear so you'll know that I am true

You're so hot you make my ice cream melt, please don't say no, Miki!

[MICHAEL gets up from under the piano and tackles KEI]

YUU: [sidling up to MIKI]

I got you Kappa and that other thing, I'm smart and I am cute

It may be I'm your brother, but who really gives a hoot?

Oh please baby, please let's taste forbidden fruit, Miki. (Mrowrr.)

ROKUTANDA: [to ARIMI, who has captured GINTA in a tennis net and isn't listening]

You say that I'm a loser, you say that I'm a dork

You say that I'm a stalker and that I'm a piece of work

But I'm still cool and I'll prove it: GINTA, I CHALLENGE YOU!!!


You tell me I'm obnoxious, you think I might be gay

It's true I need a haircut, babe, but I don't swing that way

Hey look, I just swiped Na-chan's dentures--now what do you say?

Ow! Hey!

[she beats him with her notebook]


Oh, Miki, what a pity you don't understand

You take them by the heart when you take them by the hand

MICHAEL, KEI, GINTA, & YUU [from wherever they've fallen]

Oh Miki you're so pretty can't you understand?

It's girls like you Miki

Ooh what you do Miki, do Miki

Don't break our hearts, Miki!


Oh Miki, you're so fine

You're so fine, you blow our minds,

hey Miki, hey Miki

Oh Miki, you're so fine

You're so fine, you blow our minds,

hey Miki, hey Miki

Oh Miki, you're so fine

You're so fine, you blow our minds, hey Miki, hey Miki...

fic: 2002, fic: misc fandoms

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