[gw fic] Extracurricular Activities

Dec 17, 2002 11:53

Extracurricular Activities

Fandom: Gundam Wing
Rating: PG
Ship: Relena/Sylvia
Summary: Abandoned by her boyfriend, Relena finds consolation in an unexpected quarter.

Relena slurped her eggnog. “Boy, sssure hate men,” she slurred morosely. She stared out the window and imagined her ex-boyfriend asphyxiating gorgeously against the backdrop of stars.

At her elbow, Sylvia said companionably, “At least you got the tickets.”

“Deserved ‘em.” She hiccupped. “S'least I deserve. Swear. I get one week of vacation. Everything all arranged. No press. Nothing. Just us for one week, acting like a normal couple.” (Hiccup.) “What happens? Two days before we're s'posed to leave, his dog gets hit by a bike and breaks its leg. So he has to stay and look after it.”

“It's his dog,” Sylvia said gently.

“It's a Chihuahua,” Relena grumbled. Her nostrils flared. Her blue eyes flashed. She stared at her reflection in the shuttle's window. And burst into tears. “I'm so mean!”

“No, no you're not,” Sylvia insisted. “You have a very hard job. Whatever you do it seems the media hounds you. You found a way of giving them the slip and you've been looking forward to this trip for a long time. You have every right to feel disappointed.”

Relena turned to her and sighed. “Truth is,” she said softly, “I understand about the rat. Dog, I mean. It's just--he sounded so relieved when he told me he couldn't come. I think he was looking for a way out. I liked him, and I guess he likes me, but he hates the way I have to live. He hates the attention. The tabloid stories that have us doing it twenty different ways. That's what happened with Heero, too. I love my work, but...it's...fucking...with...my...social life!” She blinked rapidly, but the tears continued to flow. “I'm so glad you're here, Sylvia.”

“Well, I always did want to go to Solastella Resort Colony. White sand beaches, tropical breezes (artificial, but whatever), college kids on winter vacation wearing skimpy bathing suits. How can I let you enjoy all that on your own?” She kissed Relena's forehead.

If the diplomat noticed that her friend's lips lingered against her skin longer than was strictly necessary...she made no indication.

“I hate men,” she grumbled again.

“Now, now.” Sylvia guided Relena's head to her shoulder and wrapped a comforting arm around her. “One snotty piece of white bread spurned you. That's no excuse to hate forty-nine per cent of the population.”

“White TOAST is more like it,” Relena hissed. Then, despite everything, she smiled. She took another sip of her eggnog and snuggled against her friend. She pushed a few silky golden curls out of her mouth. “I really am glad you could come with me, Syl. You've been such a good friend. You're so kind...”

“Not really,” the other girl said softly.


Sylvia took a fortifying sip from her own glass and said, quickly, “Actually, I was kind of hoping to use this opportunity to, um, take advantage of you.”


“Well...” Sylvia put her drink down. “I'm thinking...the state you're in right now, if I did something like this...” She tilted the other girl's face up so that there was barely a breath between them, “...and did this...” she brushed her lips lightly with her own, “...you might not object.”

Relena frowned and tried, with moderate success, to force the cabin and the girl who held her, into focus. “You umm...you...”

“Like you,” Sylvia finished, blushing. “A lot. I've known for a while that I like girls. I kept expecting to fall for one when I went away to college. But I never did, and the reason was, I couldn't stop thinking about you.” She wondered why Relena did not pull away and went on hurriedly, “You're beautiful! And so smart and generous and kind--well, not to small, yippy dogs, I guess. And I don't care about scandal. I've been living in the public eye all my life, too. I wouldn't care what anyone said. I'd be the perfect girlfriend. But...you like guys.”

The crease between Relena's brows deepened. “I have liked guys,” she said slowly. “But seriously...honestly... The way you just kished me--I really liked it. A lot.” She gulped the rest of her eggnog, then smashed her glass down beside Sylvia's. “Kish me again,” she instructed, and Sylvia did just that, languorously and long.

But then, just as Relena was really getting into it, Sylvia broke the kiss. “It's no good.” Her voice held a hitch. “I'm sorry. I shouldn't-- You'll hate me when you're sober.”

“I won't,” Relena assured her, and flashed her the smile that had won her so much adoration since the dawn of her career. “Politicians are wily folk. Please kiss me again. Or better yet,” she added, as a slow, vibrant smile replaced Sylvia‘s thunderstruck expression, “show me what else you learned at college...”

Word count: 789


fic: 2002, fic: gw: char.: relena, fic: gw (gundam wing)

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