[hp fic] Negotiations (Ginny and Percy, PG)

Nov 03, 2006 10:08


Fandom: HP
Rating: PG (language)
Characters: Ginny and Percy
Summary: Ginny's not feeling particularly forgiving, but that doesn't seem to be what Percy's here for.
A/N: Approx. 1,400 words. Several months late for omniocular's July challenge. I like Percy a lot, but I think he ought to jump through some hoops before he's welcomed back. Cross-posted to weasleyworship and thistlefics.

Not that she'd wanted to talk to him, she told herself. Harangue and berate, yes. Talk, no. Maybe it was best for both of them that he'd scarpered.

fic: hp (harry potter), fic: hp: char.: ginny, fic: 2006, fic: hp: char.: weasleys

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