[hp fic] One Alone Looks Out (French Kiss Remix)

Apr 02, 2006 18:06

One Alone Looks Out (French Kiss Remix)

Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: young adult/PG
Ships: Bill/Fleur, Remus/Sirius
Summary: Fleur Delacour was not having a happy Christmas at the house of her future in-laws...until Sirius Black returned from the dead. AU.
A/N: This is a remix of midnitemaraud_r's excellent fic, The Prodigal. Which I beta read, so I felt a little sneaky writing this! Beta read by marauderthesn. Approx. 1,900 words.

Until the bedraggled, black-haired man appeared on the Burrow's front doorstep, Fleur Delacour had not been having a happy Christmas.

fic: hp (harry potter), fic: 2006, fic: hp: char.: weasleys, fic: remix

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