[hp fic] The Only Logical Thing To Do (Star Trek/Harry Potter)

Mar 31, 2006 14:51

The Only Logical Thing To Do

Fandom: Harry Potter, Star Trek: TOS
Rating: Mature (for sex and language)
Ships: Sirius/Remus, Kirk/Spock (sort of)
Summary: Sirius tries his hand at Star Trek slashfic. Remus is unamused, though he is aroused.
A/N: For cruisedirector...just because. *g* Many thanks to my beta readers, gehayi and moony. Approx. 3,300 words.

"You think I'm brilliant. You're just ashamed to admit it."

fic: st tos (star trek), fic: crossover, fic: hp: pairing: sirius/remus, fic: hp (harry potter), fic: 2006

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